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A maid took all of Afni's bags as Almir led her to the stairs located in the living room. Yes, they had another pair of stairs there too! They called them the back stairs. They walked up the long flight of stairs.

They ended up in a hallway, decorated like the rest of the house, magnificently. Saying that was such an understatement and it couldn't really express full appreciation for the stunningness of the mansion.

Huge brown double doors were located everywhere. The hallways looked the same and you'd get lost if you were to explore them alone.

They walked straight then took two right turns, walked straight again then finally took a left turn and finally arrived at the foot of another stairs.

'What the hell? They have another upstairs? This just got creepier.'

Afni thought in surprise. They walked up the flight of stairs and her legs felt as if they were about to fall off from the distance she traveled but the maid and Almir seemed to be perfectly alright.

At the very top of the stairs was a set of doors even bigger than the rest. Almir scanned his hand again on a panel and in Afni, in her mind was just wondering about how far their technology really was.

The door opened to reveal a large hallway with four doors nestled on the two parallel walls and a floor to ceiling window by the left side of the hallway. And opposite it was an empty shelf.

They went through the door at the end of the hallway and her eyes went wide at the sight she saw. It was a huge bedroom almost as big as the living room downstairs.

Just like the rest of the house, the theme was brown and cream. Words couldn't even describe how magnificent it was. It was just too amazing to even comprehend.

There was a huge round brown bed facing the door. It had a set of steps leading up to it. Many furniture were positioned all around the room, all brown, in asortments of all sorts.

A large mirror hung behind the bed and against it were little bulbs that looked like glow in the darks.

And at the opposite side of the room, there was a little touch of red and it was just too beautiful. On the right side, a huge window overlooked the gardens and a window seat was positioned there, looking so plush.

Once again, she felt afraid to touch anything in the place.

Next to the window sitting area was a door and she assumed it led somewhere but she didn't think she'd find out right then or maybe she would.

The maid had disappeared and her luggage was no where to be found. She opened her mouth to ask about it when a tiny voice interrupted her.

"Miss, your luggage are in the second walk in closet, the cream one. Would you like me to show them to you?"

She asked timidly and politely and Afni nodded.

She walked towards the brown mysterious door and followed after her. It looked like she was about to find out what was behind the door.

She opened the door and walked in and there was a tiny hallway again with two doors facing them. She opened the one on the right and there was a small flight of stairs leading downstairs.

The room was lit up with golden lights that were a little bit dimmed. The maid reached out and clicked something on the wall and the lights got brighter. She assumed it was a regulator.

They walked further down the stairs and her eyes widened for the umpteenth time that day. It was a freaking shopping center but with no clothes. Yet it was still magnificent.

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