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Dinner was really amazing! The chefs weren't just there as display. They really knew what they were doing. She had to admit, her Ammi's food was amazing but theirs just topped the chart.

She moaned with every bite she took and her taste buds almost exploded. It was really appetizing just looking at it and it was beyond fantastic eating the delicacies.

Enough about how much of a foodie Afni was though.

After dinner, they moved to the living room to have a little chat and for the family to get to know their new family member fully.

She learnt that Almir's dad's name was Saahib, the name she really liked and secretly wanted to name Amrah's son, Farhan when he was born but they wouldn't put it as his first name so it became his second name that hardly any body called him with except his dad and grand parents.

She learnt so many things about them and they her. They were just speaking about politics when Abeer's eyes lit up and suddenly she excused herself to go to her room as she had work to do.

Almir and Afni hung back because his family wanted to continue conversing with them but they didn't even say a word to each other, though Afni could feel eyes at some point on her but when she turned around, he wasn't looking at her.

They stayed in the living room for a few more hours before suddenly, everybody decided to go to bed.

Almir's parents went upstairs to their room and Almir went somewhere and Afni was left all alone.

She drank some water from one of the several water dispensers placed all around the house and went up the stairs.

Suprisingly, she knew the way back up to her room and she reached there within a few minutes.

She bumped into Almir at the door of the bathroom when he came out of his study. They both reached for the handle of the door but she retracted her hand when she saw his.

She moved a little bit out of the way for him to go in but he just rolled his eyes.

He press down on the handle and opened the door with a slight push.

He took a step in and said the du'a for entering the bathroom and stood by the door.

He tapped his foot impatiently with an annoyed expression. She didn't know why he was doing it so she just stood to the side watching him.

He used his hand to make a gesture but she didn't know what he meant so she turned to leave.

She took just two steps when a hand shot out to grab her wrist. She was so shocked and turned around with mighty speed that her neck made a cracking sound, whiplash.

Ignoring the pain she felt from the whiplash, she looked at him with eyebrows scrunched and eyes wide in confusion.

"As you can see, the bathroom has two sections, you can come in and use it. Just draw the curtains at the middle. After all, we are married aren't we?"

He asked with a slight growl and she just nodded her head in suspicion.

"Okay but just so you know, this feels awkward."

She said and he just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever! I am using the one on the other side so go do your business."

He rolled his eyes and she pushed past him into the spacious place and she heard him click the door shut.

She watched as he went to the other side and then she drew the thick curtains to separate them.

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