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Almir finally let go of her and she found the nearest table to sit on before he comes back and whisks her away.

The entire night, they had been making rounds and greeting all the important people there which was practically everybody all the while, his hand on her waist tighter than ever.

She knew the so called love they had was all an act for the public but she still went along with it. And they loved it. It was past midnight and she was Cinderella and he was her prince Charming.

She took off her shoe and rubbed the sore spot which was everywhere. She was so tired that she didn't care which table she sat at.

She heard a soft chuckle behind her turned around to meet the person. It was one of the important people. She looked about 25 and she was lady Nina Sophia Mohammad as far as Afni could remember but that was it she knew about her.

"I know how that feels. I'm Lady Nina Sophia Muhammad, CEO of El Heur, the designer clothing line and your sister in law's rival."

The way she said was calm as if she had no care in the world. Her voice was sultry and she was very beautiful. Afni could tell that she was an American with her deep accent.

She was dressed in a purple dress and her blonde hair was open and styled in a braid with purple and blue flowers in it.

"I know right! It's exhausting. I'm glad someone gets me. Hi, I'm Lady Nawrah Afni Akhdan. CEO of back and feet aches."

Sophia chuckled at Afni's sarcastic remark and she couldn't help but join in too.

"You know, when I first started this whole rich people stuff about 5 years ago, it was very exhausting! From etiquette to debutantes ball and then debutantes season when parents choose eligible bachelors for their daughters. I felt like throwing myself off a cliff!"

The way she talked was so soothing and calm. Afni couldn't help but be lured in by her charm. They talked for quiet a while until Sophia had to leave.

Moments later, Abeer finally appeared, away from her parents who were preparing her for debutantes season.

"Who were you talking to?!"

She demanded sternly and Afni wondered why she was behaving that way.

"Hello to you too and I was talking to Lady Nina Sophia! She's so freaking nice. She kept me entertained while I waited for you to finish getting mauled by drooling guys."

Afni chuckled at her own joke while Abeer had a face of horror on.

"What? Was it that horrible?"

Afni pouted but Abeer just glared at her immature older sister.

"I'll tell you what's horrible, you talking to that.. to that wench!"

She exclaimed.

"Why? Is it because you are rivals? I understand."

"No, that's not it. That girl is a walking fraudster! Let me tell you a little story about her-"

"Ouuu, I'm listening."

"-she came into this society at the age of 17. Her father was a baker and her mother was just a baker's wife. Her family needed money to pay their debt with an old senator but they didn't have it.

"When their deadline was up, the senator himself showed up at their bakery threatening to shut them down but Sophia, even as a teenager was sultry and had amazing charms.

"The senator got lured in by her and fell for her. He bought her from her parents as their debt and they had no choice but to obey. Sophia had other things in mind.

"Months later, the senator was reported dead and in his will, his children and old wife got nothing. Everything went to Sophia 's name. You may be thinking that it probably has no business with her but get this.

"She's been married seventeen times and somehow, all her husband's died and their money all went to her name. They were victims from the moment they got lured in by her body and sweet personality.

"Her next victim was my brother Afnan. If you could remember the day he came back home drunk and poured his heart out to you about some Sophia breaking up with him. I'm his sister so he told me, don't be surprised.

"Get this, dad took his name out of the family fortune when he found out that he was dating her and seeing as he did not have any riches in his name, she broke up with him, just like dad knew she would."

By the time Abeer had finished, Afni was horrified. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She laughed with a freaking devil and even related to her.

"H-her name implies a Muslim name but is she a-"

"-Muslim? Yes she is a Muslim. You must be wondering how a person can be this evil. I've done my part as your well wisher and so I'm warning you to stay away from her. It seems she is targeting Almir next and she wouldn't hesitate to demolish you if you get in her way."

"Gosh, I feel seriously threatened. Aouzubillah!"

Afni was amazed. Sophia looked very kind and like a potential friend to Afni but she was anything like that.


A bunch of debutantes and children had surrounded Afni, commenting on her dress, her cape, her jewelry and even her veil when Almir came and excused her from them.


They all swooned at this and he chuckled. It was amazing how he affects women with his charms.

"I've got to take my beautiful wife away from you now. Is that okay?"


They all pouted and whined. They were very adorable.

"Don't worry, you'll be seeing a lot of her lately."

He laced Afni's arm through his and they walked away smiling. As soon as they were out of eyesight of the ladies, they dropped their fake smiles.

"We are doing an interview and then that's it. Put on a big smile and let me do the talking, okay?"


That night, he held her hand and gazed at her so lovingly that you'd think it was real. He was feeding the media adorable stories about how they met and fell in love. He even mentioned the part that she broke his nose.

Then finally, when photos of them were being taken, he pulled her in close and kissed her smack on the lips! Her eyes widened with incredulity at the heights he would go just to keep up with their fake love story.


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