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Abeer took Afni out the door of the room and to the third door that was located in the hallway.

She opened the door and went In. She reached out to the wall next to her and flickered something and that's when light poured into the room.

When Afni looked around, she realized it was a bathroom. It was huge! The interior was a lighter brown than the rest of the house with touches of cream.

It had a freaking chair and table in it. Her whole room and bathroom could fit in one half of it! Those people really do live a life of luxury.

Even their bathroom was gorgeous! There were two ceiling fans to cool the bathroom when it got too steamy.

What amazed her most was the shower! Ehe had never seen anything like it and even in her wildest dreams, she never thought it would exist.

It had lights which made the water look colorful as it streams down. It had the effect of colored water and it was just too lovely.

It seemed to be glow in the dark and she just knew she'd have a tough time trying to turn it on masha Allah.

These people didn't know what living small was. Their whole luxurious lives were not good because she was sure with just that bathroom, they'd be able to feed hundreds of poor and needy people, yet there they were spending so lavishly.

She was glad her parents brought her up in a modest way and taught her never to waste things anyhow.

Her Mom would most likely have a heart attack if she saw all that. Right then she knew the reasons her parents kicked her out of the house.

Her parents were angry at her for three things.

1)she married another man without their consent when they had already chosen another one for her.

2)she didn't fall in love the halal way in their own thoughts and they were people that only did halal things and,

3)she married someone that was known for how lavishly he spends.

She didn't think she'd ever get used to that, to their luxurious lives. She was a person who liked things simple! She didn't like the extravagant things that they had.

She looked to Abeer and studied how normal her face looked. Unlike her brother who had blue eyes, hers were just like Afni's.

A deep rich brown color so perfectly suited to her facial features. Her eyelashes were quite long, just like Afni's. Her eyebrows were thick and sculpted perfectly.

Her dimples were exactly like her brother's, so deep and pretty and Afni found herself jealous of them

Her mouth was small and pink and her nose was long and slim. To complete it all, she had a heart shaped face with moderate cheeks.

She was in fact really pretty whereas Afni had lots of scars from rough housing as a child.

She caught her staring and she smiled kindly at her.

"Uh, sorry for staring. But how do you not feel bad about living in such a place?"

Afni started by apologizing then asked her the question that has been nagging her since.

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her with a face that said really? Afni shrugged and she just smiled.

"Well sis, you see, this is our guest house. I know it might be a little too small for you but don't worry! Our main house is thrice as big as this one, it is just under reconstruction, you know. We do this every decade to maintain its beauty and exquisity. We will soon move back in a week insha Allah."

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