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Afni's heart felt like it was torn out of her chest as Almir pulled her hand towards his car. She looked up at the looming building and wished that she was just having a terrible nightmare.

She pinched herself just to make sure but it was indeed reality. Her parents had just kicked her out of her home. She felt so numb and devastated beyond comprehension.

As Almir helped her into the car, the tears stopped and she went deadly silent in thought of her situation. She didn't even know when the car started moving.

"-Afni? I've been calling your name for the past five minutes."

Almir pointed out and she just hummed and nodded not really listening to him.

"Wipe your tears and make yourself look presentable. We wouldn't want my family to think something was up, now would we?"

Almir asked with a quirked eyebrow and she just sighed, with no words to offer.

She took out a face wipe from her bag and rid her face of the mascara and eyeliner smudges. She took out some concealer and used it to cover the bags beneath her eyes and made her face look fresh.

She reapplied the mascara and eyeliner again, not in the mood to argue with him. She practiced putting up a fake smile on her face which she never had to do before.

Minutes later though she wasn't sure when, they pulled up in front of huge black iron gates and her eyes widened in astonishment, not bothering to stop the gasp from escaping.


She saw Almir roll down the window and he pressed his palm against a black panel that was next to him and it looked like it was scanning it, a green line going from top to bottom of the panel.

Suddenly, the gate pulled open and her eyes nearly fell out of their socket. Her jaw went slack and she felt like raising her hands to her head in disbelief.

Past the gate, a magnificent mansion loomed so huge and breathtaking. There was a water fountain smack in the middle with beautiful flowers littering the area.

Every kind of flower you could imagine was there. From lilies to roses to jasmine to hibiscus to sun flowers, everything!

She was beyond amazed and intimidated. The mansion was 10 times bigger than her house, she was sure. In fact way more than that.

She bet you could put their entire neighbourhood in the mansion and there will still be so much space.

She could hear Almir snicker at her but she payed him no attention, her gaze solely focused on the beauty before her.

The car rounded around the fountain and stopped right in front of the front doors. The land spread around vastly and the car tracks lead down to a huge warehouse like area, presumably their own parking lot.

The garden stretched father till the wall protecting the compound, round to the back of the mansion. At this, she was certain it wasn't a mansion but a castle.

The pair stepped out of the car and Afni stood there, feeling so out of place in the atmosphere. A man in a valet uniform appeared and bowed at Almir.

"Have one of the butlers bring in the luggage that's in the trunk of the car. Park my car in its rightful place and store the keys in the glass panel. You know where the red cars are located."

Almir commanded the man and he nodded his head furiously. He entered the car and drove towards the huge warehouse.

She looked back at the huge double brown mahogany doors and admired the designs carved onto them. They were so large!

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