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I ran through the streets trying to find him! Why would he go off and leave the bar? Unattended too! Why?! He never was one to rethink his choices over, or one to think hard about his choices. I heard the sounds of painful grunts and fists hitting flesh and bone, I knew I was close. I turned the corner and saw him. This tall, dark-skinned brute glistened with sweat always looking stunning and graceful with everything he did. He glided through holes in the attacker's punches and punished them for it. This man is the local bar owner at my campus, and he doesn't take too kindly to bullies or thieves, but he never went this far.

He didn't like to fight but he knew how. He punched the first guy in the face and the second returned the gift with a kick to his knee. The exchange of blows continued to what seemed endless, till one pulled a knife and sliced through his bleach white shirt and turned it crimson red. He only grunted and said," Bad move, asshole!" His skin crawled and began to transform, hairs replaced holes in his shirt, along with his forearms, and his cheekbones. The cracking of joints sounded the alleyways like screams of the damned and sent the men into a fearful panic. As he gets on all fours, he transformed into a beast. A werewolf! The fight nearly won, he simply just hit the guys into submission and unconsciousness. The hairs return to his body and he turns back into normal to turn and look in my direction.

He just managed to walk two steps and began to run out of breath. I walked forward knowing full and well what was going to happen. He collapsed and I caught him in my arms. I looked him in his sleepy eyes that looked different from normal. I held his cheek in my hands and softly whispered,"I'm sorry," acting like all of this was my fault. Was it?

He held my cheek, his sad eyes lost in mine and said," Don't worry about it. I just didn't want to see you hurt. The irony."

"If you're trying to make me feel better, you're not," a chuckle escaped out of my mouth as a tear escaped his eye.

"If I'm not then why are you laughing?"

"I don't know," I felt myself getting emotional, I'm watching this man die and it's all my fault.

" Hey, hey don't cry," he wiped my cheek with his thumb. I didn't want him to die. I didn't want to let him go. I don't think I could with everything I've seen tonight. " You act like this has never happened before." What! You. ME. What! He just stood up and began to walk away. "You comin'?"

Twenty years ago

"What are you doing here, Max?" said that witch.

I was just hanging from the rope swing that was in our cabin. But, it was more her's. Sabrina is her name. Sabrina Prynne. She took me in after the attack. She survived the Salem witch hunts but she didn't live in it. She hated it all her friends gone. Her teacher gone. She only had her father and even then he didn't know about her past. He didn't believe the stories, believe the crowds, didn't believe his eyes. He loved his girl and didn't think anything was wrong. He later went mad and he died of pneumonia. That was before me though. Before our pact.

I should explain that. My name is Max and I'm a werewolf, but not by choice. My family was killed by one, or at least most of my family, but he should have been dead by now. It's not like it matters though, it was a Tuesday night and it was a long day, my dad just got in from cutting logs for the winter and we were all around the fire. I went outside to use the outhouse and that's when I heard it. The screams. I ran into the house adorned with terror and blood. I saw my family torn to shreds, my brother hanging on by a thread. I saw the blanket with my youngest brother hidden in my mother's warmth. My father with an arm missing and a leg was gone, his life drained away with the blood through the wood floor a man I'd never see again. My mother cold but without many scratches, her heart couldn't take the sheer terror. And my brother, a babe untouched and a cry of help was all that it could speak.

I turned my head to the dark corner where a noise could be heard. A growl. What was it? It peaked it's head into the shadows from the light stepped a white wolf. It's fur cold as a snowflake and eyes like frost, his paws stained with the blood of my family. It was huge, bigger than any wolf I'd ever seen. I grabbed a burning stick from the fire and moved the stick in front of my face to protect me. In my efforts to protect myself I'd miss its exit. I stayed that way till daybreak, cold, afraid, but not alone. With my baby brother in my arms, we stayed together I held him tight and a cry never escaped his lungs.

My life only beginning, I never knew I would be over 270 years old. I thought maybe 60 would be the most I could get, and for the time that was a long time. My life was stolen away by that witch but I don't blame her for what she did. When I just turned 16, I heard the news that the white wolf was in the area again. I decided to hunt the beast down. My worst mistake ever that encounter left me with a bite mark on my right shoulder and the powers of a beast. I was found by Sabrina that night, she gave me a choice either I stay with her for eighty years and not cure me or cure me and erase all of my memories. I couldn't lose my only shot to track down that beast again. That thing left me with one warning or what he called advice, he told me I'd never find him if I gave up the power. The only reason he gave me it was because he thought I deserved it. I did survive him earlier so he decided to make this "fun".

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