Ch. 9

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The dark skinned man pressed the button to end the call and stepped towards the tall one, whispering to him. I only could pick up some of the things he said. After he leaned away the tall man stepped forward introducing himself," Hello, my name is Igor," his Slovakian accident heavy on his tongue slowing his speech and me confused by his name tag saying "Jim".

I unnerved by his changing of accent accepted his hand, saying," Hello, my name is Max. If you don't mind me asking what's with the change of accent and the-"

"Yes sorry about the whole cloak and dagger thing," the dark skinned man interrupted," but we were told to get a feel for you."

I moved away shifting my feet prepared to run and my knuckles for a fight, "So you're spying on me?"

"Yeah, that doesn't sound too good but yeah basically," the man talked, moving himself around the room mirroring my every movement," Mason told us to tell you because you shouldn't have been spied on in the first place."

"He's got that right," I said now not sure who to trust, I asked," So Mason organized this?"

"What! No, that was his caretaker Georgia Carlotta," he said relaxing," She's really protective of him, treats him like her son probably cause hers died and she just wanted to have the childhood memories back." Who was that woman that she could control this two men to do such a strange thing?" Y'know taking care of Mason was all of our jobs but now it's just to clean, organize and lay around," he said plopping down on the sofa," real life servants funny huh. Names Rico," he offered his hand out but I didn't trust his honeyed words and denied. He shrugs it off and looks up towards the steel giant," Don't scare the man, say something."

"What is there to say you covered most of this," his words so harsh and heavy it seeped into the hardwood and his walk just the same.

"There's still a lot to say, big man," I say with my arms crossed still curious of what was to come.

"Ok ask, we were told to stay here till Mason got here anyway," he said as he sat beside his partner.

I moved to the chair in front of the couch, the only thing separating us was the glass coffee table, "So who are you two?

"I'm Mason's foreign language teacher," the giant spoke up.

"I'm Mason's self-defense coach and was his bodyguard."

What did Mason need with a bodyguard? Why not the Slovakian giant that could probably kill me by pushing on my shoulder? "So, and maybe I should have lead with this, who is Mason? Why does he need you and why all this stuff?"

Rico just laughed for a moment," Well that's a long story."

"We've got time, plus the jolly green giant gave me the impression of 'ask any question we will answer,'" I sat back preparing to listen.

"Fine," he said lost in thought of where to begin," Mason's parents are rich because they are both shareholders in just about every major company. So instead of publishing their fame and fortune they settled for a nice estate in Canada and since Mason's parents are dual U.S. and Canadian citizen's and their only son was born in the U.S. and went to an academy in the States, he has dual citizenship as well,"

Still confused on some things I keep asking my questions," So he has personal instructors too, why?"

"He always had a book in his hand so instead of not keeping any of that information, like some people do, he hired us to teach him," the gentle giant responded.

"So how long have you been with the kid?"

"I've been with him for fifth teen years," Igor responded.

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