Ch. 14

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I remember my dreams, my lackadaisical thoughts, and my nightmares. All of them, some not as clear and some clearer than glass. None as horrifying as my memories, but when combined they can make the most level headed people terrified.

That was exactly what that night was, terrifying. It began in one of my many lifetimes, the one where I lost him.

Where I lost Eric. All the happy moments overshadowed by my darkest times. I was with my brother when this happened, it was us on a rooftop controlled by the gang I worked for. We were talking, cutting up, having a good time; that was the night I was going to tell him, tell him about how much I loved Eric. Before the second "great" war, I never saw the beauty or patriotism of reckless slaughter,  my brother was somewhat normal, but heartbreak and war have that effect on a vampire.  

I almost had the words out of my mouth before we heard the gunfire. We always were prepared for gang attacks on the underground bar and the raids of the illegal liquor we kept, but never a full invasion. We took our guns out our hostlers and ran to see the blood pouring from bullet wounds and cuts, each one like a red waterfall that left bitter tastes in our mouths and a sour smell in our noses. We moved around the corpses of allies and enemies, I never expected to see him though. 

In the corner still clinging to life, he choked my name out as he coughed to let out blood from his lungs. I put him in my arms, this boy not even 23 dying in them. I abandoned a mother's son and left a grieving lover. 

His final words echoed in my head like a spell," Ssshhh, everything's ok. Don't worry about me, ok," by then I choked back my tears, being strong for him," hey come here." He whispered his final three words, but as I moved my head away to look at him again I saw Mason, their faces shifted with every second and all I could do was drop him. 

I backed away on my hands and knees till I hit the legs of Alex. I turned to look at my brother and his face replaced with the white haired demon that changed my life. His cold grin, silver eyes, and white teeth made me want to scream.

He laughed and asked," Missing something," As he pointed to the cold body of a warm-hearted man," Or someone?"

I lunged at the man and he stepped into shadows, leaving me alone on a cobblestone road, no walls of any buildings only blackness. His cackling echoed, tied my stomach in knots, and putting my hands over my ears made the shrill louder. I couldn't speak, I couldn't scream, I couldn't do anything. I was helpless. Until it was quiet and the next words I heard was Eric's.

I hate you.

His final words false, corrupted by my own hatred.

I knew this but it made my heart burn with the words.

Mason's voice crept into my head asking.

Why, why couldn't you protect us?  

A question I couldn't answer or deny.

A paradox.

An incurable parasite that ate away at my brain. 

That question leads to a deeper torture of my mind, one I was awoken from too late. The damage had already been done. I woke up with Mason on top of me, he kept screaming something but it never registered. I could feel the hairs and my joints not in place, I was gone. I was the wolf. 

"Please say something," his voice weepy, his eyes tear-stained and his hands warm," Come on, Max."

I was able to whimper out," I'm fine."

He hugged my neck," No you aren't, you were having a nightmare."

"I know," my few words spoke many because they normally never appeared to another's ear.

"Change back," he sobbed," can you do that for me?" I felt my hairs fold to show skin and my joints back in place, and when I was finished he kissed my lifeless body. His lips didn't even feel right, he released me to say,"You had me so worried."

I never said a word. I didn't want to. He couldn't take what I was going to say, even if I had anything to say.

"Come on, say something," he whimpered, sobbing on my shoulder," please."

One word was all I needed, and one word was all I got," Ok." Why couldn't I say something?

That one word got me nothing but sobbing. None of mine, all of his. He showed so much emotion for me and all he got from me was a stone cold wall.

" You started crying in your sleep and kept moving," he lifted his head from my shoulder," you had me terrified."

"So did the nightmare I had," his eyes so red and his heart beat was getting so loud I could hear it. I put my hand on his chest and he looked at my arm and moved it to his cheek.

"You don't have to talk about it," the vibrations from his throat tickled my hand.

I set my head under his chin and we lay on the bed motionless, and silent till I broke it,"I'm sorry."

He asked," What for?"

"Not telling you," feeling he'd understand my vague remark.

"Well, it's not every day you find out that your, um" he fell silent.

"Your what? Go ahead," I said knowing what he was going to say.

He choked on his words and was full of embarrassment," Your boyfriend is a werewolf."

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