Ch. 5

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The fun continued when Sabrina got here but I was afraid those lips would loosen a little too much and say something we both will regret; like the fact that he is seriously in college and I'm giving him free food, that just screams pedo,"Mason, it's getting a little late, want me to walk you back home since you don't seem to know your way around?"

"Oh, um sure!" He grabbed his phone out of his bag and showed me the address," This is where I'm staying."

It was the address to a nearby fancy apartment building,"You're not staying in student dorms?"

"No, my parents wanted me to have my own place so I wouldn't have to worry about my privacy," he took a sip of his iced tea and began to speak again," as well as to be able to work on some extra projects."

"Ok, sounds fine by me. Just let me grab my coat." I walked from behind the bar to my office to grab my black leather coat. I walked up to Mason as he finished grabbing his bags and we headed out.

He wasn't far from the bar but that didn't stop him from complaining about walking. I was glad he was talking to me cause he seemed like a shy kid only afraid of what his professor thought of him, but to be honest I've felt that way most of my life. It's sad when you can't get killed real easy but you've spent years killing yourself on the inside. I felt hollow most days, unable even, just because I was tired of what I am, a monster. But it didn't stop me too much I had my crazy "family" to cheer me up most days. They all knew that I hated myself, hated the beast, but I wouldn't let them help till I tracked that thing down. If not for my family or myself, than for anyone and their families that thing has killed or transformed.

A few moments of silence passed between us and I already felt awkward around the kid and I wasn't going to let my beast blood get in the way of this.

"Hey, so um I was wondering if you'd be up to like a tour around the town. I know you got your ph-"

"Of course," he interrupted," I'd love to, maybe Sabrina can come she seems cool."

I didn't want her to come, but I'm not going to let him know that," Yeah, she might be free. I don't know though she gets busy this time of year." I didn't realize what I had said but I can't tell him what she actually does.

He laughed and said," Yeah, I'm sure that doing card tricks and drinking martinis is a great source of income."

I laughed and replied," No, she makes special items for her clients. Very high in goods, hard to come by, she makes a good bit of coin." It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the full truth.

"I'm sure it's not as much as you do," he said firmly,"I mean running a bar and mostly by yourself must save you a lot, and so close to the campus I'm sure you get some business from there."

"Yeah, I'm doing good I guess," I scratched my head at his flawless logic.

He jokingly said,"Well your not sleeping there are you?"

"No. Of course not,"I replied assuring him I have a place," I've got my own place since Sabrina's"

"Speaking of which, what's the deal with you two? Did you two have a thing?" He had to bring up that sore spot. I'm used to it though, but it's just because of the way we act around each other. That's just how you act around someone you spent eighty years of your life with, as really good friends.

"That's kinda complicated, but I see her more of a mother-figure than a romantic partner,"I let the silence set in and decided to tell him," and I don't like women."

He seemed to be caught off guard but replied, from his expression of shock, with,"Oh, that's cool," he said,"Well, have you met anybody?"

"Well not recently, but there is this one guy I like but I don't know if he'd be comfortable or even like me." Please don't take the hint, I continued to say," But would you do me a favor and not tell Sabrina, she doesn't know."

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