Ch. 13

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That night opened my eyes to a lot of things. I never realized how passionate Max was to certain things. He kinda scared me when he yelled at Sabrina. But I get it, you spend so long with your feelings hidden and you open yourself up you don't realize how strong you felt about something or someone. Maybe it was the wolf in him, maybe not who knew.

The walk back to my house was quiet, he was embarrassed or scared, probably both.

I decided to say something first,"Hey, can we talk about one thing."

"Yeah, sure," he said just trying to dodge how he felt.

"So like how long have you known you liked being petted like that I mean you can't do it to yourself?"

He laughed a little,"That probably was my last boyfriend."

"So you have been with someone besides me," I said curiously. I was fine not being his first I expected that since he's so old.

His tone shifted dramatically,"Yeah, but it didn't last."

I caused this so I should try to fix this, I asked,"What happened if you don't mind me asking?"

He tried to speak but fell short till he finally got the words out," He died."

I stopped, I didn't expect this. Now I see why he's so protective it isn't because of his blood it's because he lost him, he must have. I said slowly somewhat afraid," Is that why?"

"Yeah," he knew where I was going with that," I never got to tell him, about me. So when I thought I lost you... I couldn't go through that again."

I peeked, my head down so I could see his face,"What's his name?"

"Eric," he said somberly.

I said sarcastically,"Got a last name?"

"Manson," his mood still the same.

"Eric Manson sounds like a good name to me-"

"I'm not letting that happen to you," he interrupted me, along with a few tears.

I hug him , his head resting on me," I know big guy."

He kept crying and I let him. He lost someone so close to him and he couldn't mourn, he couldn't say he loved him, he couldn't do anything that we were doing. He spoke up choking back some leftover tears," He was so much to me. He had so much he could have done." He kept crying and he finally wanted to go inside but before we did he put his forehead on mine," You know, you kinda act like him, so carefree, but that just might be kids."

"Your right I don't care," I looked at those sad eyes I saw the other night and I saw a whole new pain, his swollen eyes made my stomach sink. I followed that statement with a kiss not caring who saw us.

He laughed a little and said,"You're a dick."

I looked at him with a smiled, and asked,"And why's that?"

"Cause I don't have any extra clothes," he whispered in my ear.

I asked,"Does it look like I care? Come on."

I dragged him by his fingers and he resisted by saying,"I told you I don't have clothes."

"That's what a washer and dryer are for," I said as we entered the building.

"They have holes in them," he said.

"Needle and thread," I said persistently.

We went into the elevator and waited for it to close before he made his move. He pinned me against the wall, his lips intoxicated me as he pushed my arm above my head. I ran my hand through his hair and untucked his shirt with the other. The elevator began to stop and we did too. He stood behind me, his hand in my back pocket we waited till the door opened and we walked to my apartment door.

"Hurry up," he said nervously. I opened the door and he pushed me through, closing the door with his foot. Our lips locked again and we fell onto the couch, he jokingly said,"Hi."

I laughed ,stealing a kiss and saying,"That all you got for a pick line ,'Hi'?"

"Seemed to work," he paused every word interrupted with a kiss.

He slid his hand across my body, he grabbed my shirt and he took it off for me. I returned the favor by forcefully unbuttoning his tattered shirt, no way some extra seems will make that better. We kept going our chest together and our hands exploring unknown places. He slid his hand further down unbuttoning my pants, revealing how much I wanted this. He obviously shared the same feelings, I didn't have to take his pants off to tell that much.

That night I realized a lot about us, we came from two different backgrounds but we came together and we made one person. Two people, nothing separating us but some clothing and nothing different between us besides his blood and mine. The lives we had never mattered, even if this didn't work this was something that I would always remember. I'm glad to be accepted by his family, I only hope the same outcome for mine.

As we finished what we began we laid together in my bed our hearts beating out of our chest and our clothes on the floor, I spoke up," Is it too early for you to meet my parents?"

Still, out of breath he said,"No, you already met my family."

"Great cause we'll need a lot of your restaurant with us."

He said,"They don't have their own cooks."

I let out a chuckle, saying,"I didn't mean the food, I meant the booze."

We laughed and he rolled over looking at me and his fingers dancing across my chest. He kissed me goodnight and curled up the way it was the first night only we both shared this, we both held each other.

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