Ch. 21

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We walked past the double doors,and into the bustling arena of business and I spoke up saying, "When you said your place, I didn't expect your bar."

"I'm sorry I just figured it'd be packed you know the moon coming up," he raises his voice to match the loudness of the area of booze," I shut this place down for three days one before, during, and after," he let go of my hand and turned around," I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted but I knew the golems couldn't handle it."

"Golems!" I said ecstatically. " I wanna see one."

"Ok," he whistled and came three little clay men all with different colored eyes; one had blue gem eyes, one had yellow gem eyes, and the last one had red gem eyes."Meet Spot, Yoko, and Ricky." 

What I assumed was Yoko jumped into my arms," This one likes me."

The somewhat solid face opened to speak," I'm the smart one."

"They speak!" 

Yoko jumped from my arms to his brothers," Kinda, I take orders and mark the people with tabs. Spot," he points to the curious blue-eyed glimmer," takes the money that comes in and brings booze. Ricky," he points to the hatefully ruby red-eyes," beats people that don't pay if their tab is too high or throws out the bad ones." 

"Ricky looks like he couldn't even pick me up. How is he suppos-" he lifted me above his tiny frame and the words I had planned escaped into a gasp of woah. 

Max just laughed as the golems played with me," They are a rotten bunch, careful with Spot he often tends to take money that isn't for booze."

I turned to see Spot's curious face and wider frame with my wallet overhead," Give me that," I tugged at the leather wallet and he gave way enough for me to take control of what was mine. Max leans over my head and plants a kiss on my forehead and his hands in his pocket.

"Come on, this isn't a place for kids. You wanna go into my office?"

"Can they come with?" I asked grabbing all three in my arms.

"Of course, but first," he stood upright and put his fingers to his lips and blew. The whistle pierced many ears and hushed the place," Look who's here! Yep, so if you need refills you know where to find me, but I think I should tell you," Max strongly grabbed my arm," this is Mason, my boyfriend, and he knows about us; so, you can get rid of your disguises. Even though most it doesn't really help; however, I want to tell you if you hurt this guy you won't be getting drinks from me and you'll also have a pissed wolf, who will kill you. Now that we got that settled, go back to having a good time and if you want to introduce yourself that's fine."

My cheeks are boiling and I just wanted to rush to the office door but I'm ambushed before I could. That was the rest of my night jumping from table to table getting introduced to whomever and whatever said," Hello." 

Later on in the night Max pulled me aside and told me if I wanted to go I could, but if I stayed I could be put to work or sleep in his office. I was having to much fun to leave so I grabbed a notepad and aproan and put Yoko on my shoulder and we started taking orders. It was really just Yoko asking what they wanted and me writing it down, as we dropped off the next order Spot would push to us another mug or glass and point to the table it would go to. I got to meet some interesting people I never knew all these creatures could live somewhere on the grid. 

Sabrina came in a little later and gave Max something in a silk pouch and sat at the bar stool near him. I ran over to her pencil held on by my ear, Yoko holding on by my shirt, and my notepad nearly full. I smiled as I tapped on the youthful witch," What can I get ya'?" 

"Mason? Well don't you look cute," she wrapped her arms around me," I hope Yoko isn't giving you problems."

"I'm not unlike you, mother," he said as he wrapped his arms around her neck.

"Please, don't call me that," she slumped her head over," I didn't birth you, I just cast a spell."

He laughed for a moment and said,"We know but it's fun to tease ya'." 

"Fine, whatever just make me a mojito." 

"Ok," he walked over to Max and scooted him over as he was shaking drinks," move it Mr. Loverman, mama asked me to make her a drink."

"Did she pay for it?" Max asked.

"No, but mama doesn't have to pay."

"Yes, she does, Yoko," he sighed looking into his eyes as Spot flicked his forehead and his confused look oddly expressed through his absence of features," but this time I'll allow it."

"Goodie!" he danced cheerfully on the counter.

I moved myself behind "Mr. Loverman" and put my head on the base of his neck and my arms wrapped around his strong body," Perfect date," I said.

He turned himself around and I put my head under his neck," Not what I had planned, but if your happy I'm happy," he kissed the top of my head, "Ready to head home?"

"Yeah, I think I'm going to skip class tomorrow. If I don't I'll just sleep in it anyways."

He laughed and looked into my eyes, the moment seemed still and quiet, till I realized it wasn't just me, the whole bar was looking at us, just waiting for the kiss.

I jerked, looking towards a random patron yelling" Kiss em already!" Max turned my cheek towards him and planted his rose lips on me and I felt pale. The action was a hot and intense moment, but I felt embarrassed beyond belief.

"Come on let's go home. I'm looking forward to sleeping in," Max said as he slide his hand under my apron ties.

My stomach rumbled as I thought of Max's food,"I'm thinking pancakes for breakfast."

"Pancakes it is than," he kissed my forehead and we walked out the door.

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