Ch. 8

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"So you slept with a guy you met yesterday?" Jason said curiously as we stood in line for our decent cafeteria food.

"No, we didn't do anything," I said disappointed," besides he doesn't remember anything from last night," I grabbed one of the cafeteria trays,"He has to take some special medicine and it messes with his memory or something like that."

"So you slept with someone who was stoned? Well, I guess you like em easy," he scooped out some mashed potatoes onto his tray.

"I didn't sleep with him," I said thinking about if I had: his hot body painted on me like some tattoo, his hands exploring every inch of my body, the thought made me shudder in my seat.

He laughed and joked,"But you do like em easy, huh?"

"You're a grade A ass," I teased as I grabbed a ham sandwich.

"Guilty as charged, but seriously do you see anything with this guy? I mean how old is he anyway?" He said defensively shifting around his words so he wouldn't sound threatened.

"Well you see he's in his 30's," I said lightly.

He spits out the water in his mouth," I'm sorry, 30's!"

"Early 30's," I said with a smile knowing how it sounded.

"Dude, you're making him sound like some sexual predator," he said defensively.

"He's not like that, he's never even slept with someone and he's never told anyone he was gay," we sat down at a table for two.

"Ok, so you scored the owner of a local bar, who is a virgin and a complete homo. Either he's really desperate or you are," he said sticking his mashed potatoes in his mouth.

Everything he said pissed me off but it wasn't completely wrong I still defended Max, saying,"Easy with what you say just cause you're my friend doesn't mean I won't punch you."

He lazily looked me in the eyes,"Look I'm just looking out for you," he shrugged his shoulders,"I don't want to see you hurt,"

I changed my mood, two can play this game," Like the last time."

His body shifted and he was getting frustrated,"That was different. Do we have to go over this again?"

"Yeah you just got drunk and kissed me, don't really see how this is any different," I sipped my water waiting for a response.

He let out a sigh,"I told you I was sorry for the way I acted. It's just when your out partying and you tell your best friend your bi you kinda just want to try something, new."

"Look don't sweat it. I can see you're still fighting those demons but gotta say it hurt," I didn't like to see him like this but I wanted him to squirm just a little.

"You don't think I know that," he said angrily.

Realizing I crossed a line, I wanted to apologize," I'm sorry man I shouldn't have brought it up,"

"No, you had every right to. I don't really see how this is different either," he looked at his cup and said,"Go do who you want. See if I care anymore."

I grabbed his hand before he left," I do care, but this guy will be different. You'll see," I said smiling.

He grinned and said "I hope your right," before he walked to the trash can and out the door. I should do the same thing I have class in a few minutes, but I should call Max, see if everything's fine. Even though I don't have his number I can just call the house phone. I dial the numbers and hit call expecting someone to pick it up immediately, but it went to voicemail I just asked Max if everything's ok and I'll see him after class.

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