Chapter 1: Don't Run

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Things change; And friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody. -The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The sun shone bright today. A little too bright. The sky was blue was the clouds white. A seemingly beautiful day.

So why am I stuck in this room editing pointless videos? Why am I even here in this city? What is being here going to get me in return? I've spent so much time and money on this channel that takes up all of my time. In reality, it seems crazy. But it's my job, and I have to move forward with it no matter what else happens in my life.

I have a few friends here, but they aren't like Bob and Wade. It's a lot different here. Was it a mistake to move? Away from everything I've ever known?

No. It was a good thing. I needed to get away. There were too many memories back home and...I just couldn't stay. Not after....her.

"Hello everyone! My name is Markiplier..." I put on a happy face and for a while tried to forget everything and work. The same line as every video. It gets a little sickening after a while, to be honest. I've caught myself on a number of occasions saying my name is Markiplier instead of just plain Mark. What kind of a name is Mark anyway? So generic. "Thank you so much for watching! Click the annotations for more videos that I've done, and as always, I will see YOU in the next video. Bye bye!"

When will that outro actually turn into my final goodbye to this world? I just don't know.

More editing. That's all I ever seem to do anymore is record and edit. I have more videos made than I have the time to upload. I guess I could take a day off. No. I can't. If I do, then she'll run through my mind again. Those last words she said to me before leaving my life for good.

"I don't love you."

They still haunt me to this day. After all we'd been through, I never thought she'd say those words. I never thought she'd leave me like that.

No. I can't think about her like that. I can't think about her at all. She's my past, and this is my future. This is my new life and I have to focus on now. That past already happened, and the future can only get better. Right?

I go through my videos already done and upload the second video for the day. I guess my job is all done for now. I get up from my desk and walk around a little. It does seem like a bit of a large place for just me, but my last apartment was so small and my house...I don't even want to think about my house. I walk down the spiral staircase and into the living area. Same white couch and coffee table, new TV, same old nick knacks I've had for years. A few gifts from my fans on the bookshelf, along with a few real books, but mostly just junk I didn't even know why I had them. And why the hell do I have three bathrooms? I don't know anymore.

I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and plopped down on my couch, turning on whatever was on. It quickly turned into background noise though, seeing as I went out onto the balcony for some fresh air.

The busy streets of Los Angeles were comforting in a way today. I could focus on that rather than other things in my head. Everyone below seemed so happy and full of life, as if nothing could go wrong. But little do they know what horrors life can throw at you. I kept my eyes closed and breathed in the warm fall air.

It's been a year now since we went our seperate ways. I had no idea where she even went. I dropped her off at the airport that morning and she got out without a single word. I didn't walk her in like I probably should've, but I guess it was for the best. She could be anywhere now. Maybe she' She can't be. She's not the kind of person to do that.

I looked up to the sky, almost hoping for some kind of help.

Dad, I thought. If she is with you, keep her and Tyler with you. I'll see you all soon. 

Then *Poof* I'm Always There: Book 3 (Final) #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now