Chapter 9: The Lady Loves Me

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I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. -The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

~Lexi's P.O.V.~

Mark lay me down in his bed and made sure my stitches hadn't opened up. I was still groggy, and the room was spinning a little, but at least I was conscious and aware. I was more ready to fall asleep and wake up from this nightmare than ever. I wanted to wake up in Mark's arms and hear the little noises of Tyler in the next room, alive and well. But that wasn't going to happen. I had been beaten, gouged, and sexually abused in just the past couple days. I never imagined those things could ever happen to me, but then again I never imagined I'd even meet Mark ever so I guess expect the unexpected.

At least Zach is gone now, and I'm not with him anymore. I'm safe with Mark now and nothing can hurt me physically anymore.

"Do you need anything? Is it too hot or cold? Do you need another pillow?"

"Mark, stop it! I'm fine." He stopped trying to put the covers over me and sighed with a slight smile.

"You always were a tough little shit, huh?" A small laugh erupted from my mouth from his joking matter. "Just tell me if you need anything, okay?" I nodded, but regretted it a second later.

"Maybe a cold washcloth? My head is spinning."

"Sure thing." He walked over to the bathroom and came back a moment later with exactly what I ordered. "Need some aspirin?"

"No thanks. I don't like pills."

"I know. You never take them even when you need them."

"I'm not going to be someone who's dependent on a drug to keep them alive." He sat down on the edge of the bed while I held the towel up to my forehead. "I do want to thank you for saving me...again. For like, the tenth time."

"Come on, I haven't helped you that many times."

"Let me count then." I mentally thought about everything we'd been through and came up with a number. "Six times!"

"What? No way!"

"Yes way! Think about it for a second." He zoned out and thought back to the past three years. "I count five. What was the sixth?"

"The first time you saved me, when you didn't even know I was alive." He cocked his head to the side and looked confused. "When I was just your fan. You saved me from insanity and loneliness."

"Oh yeah." He paused and looked a little solemn. "I remember you telling me that." Neither of us said anything for a while. I kept the washcloth against my skin and shifted arms every now and then so my arms wouldn't get too tired. "Here," Mark said noticing. "Let me." He scooted closer to me and took the towel from me. He didn't say much, but his face said it all. He was sad, for what reason I didn't know. He wanted something, but he's too much of a gentleman to ask for anything.

"You don't have to stay if you don't want to."

"I want to."

"You usually want to make videos."

"I already have stuff ready. I'll upload it later."


"My main priority is you. I don't want to lose you again." There it was. That was what he wanted.

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