Chapter 2: I See You

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You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. -Unknown

I got to the bar a little too early, but it gave me enough time to make sure it was the right place. The Smell was a very odd place, in the underground of the Downtown area, I would guess. There was graffiti absolutely everywhere, and it kind of looked like a dump. Why would Toby want to come here? I made my way inside anyway, pushing through the small crowd and finding a place at the bar to sit.

Toby texted me once I ordered a beer and said he'd be a little late. That douche. I knew I should've stayed home tonight. I have better thing I could be doing right now rather than sitting at a bar alone. This was definitely a mistake. I should just go.

"Toby, I think I'm just gonna go home," I texted him back.

"What? No! Come on man let loose for once! I'll be there soon okay?"

"Fine. Whatever. Only for a little while though. If you aren't here in half an hour I'm leaving."

"Okay. That's do-able."

I locked my phone again and took a small sip of my drink. Can't have too much or I won't be able to get home, right?

I decided to look around a little more. It definitely was not a place I saw myself going to very often. More like never. I wasn't big on music for one, and the nightlife wasn't a big deal for me either. I guess everyone has their own preferences though. The walls were covered in graffiti, art, stickers, anything you could think of. These people seemed to love it though. They were all hanging out on the couches lining the wall, and a couple were sitting at the tables in front of the stage, which was being set up for somebody.

"Who's playing?" I asked the bartender.

"A local cover artist. She has regular shows here almost every night."

"Is she any good, though?"

"Ali? Oh yeah. She has a unique voice if I've ever heard one."

"Her name's Ali?"

"Yeah. Ali Punkster. 'Course that's just her stage name. No one knows her real name."

I guess it couldn't hurt to stay for one song.

"When does she go on?"

"In a couple minutes." He went to go tend to another patron and I left my seat to sit closer to the stage. Maybe Toby's right; I should loosen up a little. Maybe I'll end up liking this kind of place more than I thought. Maybe I'd end up liking music more. I dunno. It all just seemed kinda...not me.

I haven't felt like myself in a long time. I haven't smiled genuinely in a long time. I just...I haven't been happy. Is this what depression is? Am I depressed? Most likely yes. Was she the start of it? After she left? I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. I just know that since I met her, everything has been different. I almost wish I could go back in time and...and take it all back. Make it so that I never met her, or at least never became friends with her. Treated her like a fan instead of somebody who I could've potentially became friends with. But it's too late to take back any of it.

"This is stupid," I said to myself. I was about to stand up from my seat when the lights dimmed down a little in the room and the stage lights came on instead. Too late. "Here's to another night," I said under my breath again and took another swig of my drink.

A thin girl in all black walked onto the stage holding a guitar that looked like it has been custom designed. Her hair was just as black as her clothes and frayed out just below her shoulders. She wore a mini skirt with chains and two belts, knee length stockings and fishnets covering her legs. She wore a simple black tank top and some sort of shredded overlay on top. I couldn't get a good look at her face right now, but I could tell she had quite a bit of makeup on.

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