Chapter 10: Finding My Way

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You don't need another human being to make your life complete, but let's be honest. Having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn't see them as disasters in your soul but cracks to put their love into is the most calming thing in this world. -Emery Allen

"So what about me is faulty?"

"Do we have to go through this?"

"What does that mean?!"


"Just tell me."

"Well, you're very emotional."

"Granted. I am a girl."

"You're accident prone, sometimes a bit of a loner."

"Is that all you can think of?"

"You tell me your faults then."

"I'm clingy, I'm nervous around people I don't know, I don't like talking to big crowds, I'm shy, have major stage-fright, I have a bit of an obsessive personality, I'm naturally chubby, my nose is a bit big, I'm not very tall but I'm not short, I rely on you a lot, I let people walk all over me, would you like me to continue?"

"No. And you aren't chubby. You're a twig now!"

"I said naturally." I reached my arm up and playfully slapped his face.

"Oh is that how you want to play now?" he chuckled. "Two can play at that game!" He started to tickle my sides, which he knows I hate, and I went into a fit of screams and laughter, begging him to stop. He completely tackled me and our once cuddled and relaxed position on the bed turned into a wrestling match.

"Mark! Stop it! My face hurts!" And by that I mean I was smiling more than I had in the entire year we'd been apart. 

"Your face? You kept almost kicking me in my manhood!"

"Your manhood? Really Mark? Really?" He wrapped his arms underneath me and squeezed until I thought my brain juice would burst. He playfully nibbled on my neck and again I went into a laughter fit.

"I'm just so happy to have you back." He relaxed and now rested his head half on my shoulder and half on the bed mattress. "I missed you so much." I kept my gaze on the ceiling, holding onto the back of his shirt to make sure this wasn't a dream. To make sure he wouldn't disappear on me like I did him. He played with my hair and kept nuzzling his face into the hollow of my neck and shoulder.

"I missed you too. I won't leave again. I promise." I meant it too. Never again would I leave like that. I would stay with him for as long as possible. Being away from Mark was like a baby fawn being separated from its mother. The hole that had formed was filled again, and there was no way I wanted it to form again.

He got off of me and helped me sit up with him.

"Do you think you're ready to come back to the world?"

"I don't know. I've been gone for so long."

"Yeah, you have. You've been getting so much crap from your followers asking where you are and what happened or if you're even coming back."

"You go onto my accounts?"

"No. I go onto your profiles from my own accounts. I'd check to see if you'd decided to appear again, but you never did."

"And everyone has been wondering where I am?" He nodded. "Why would they care where I am?"

"Because they love you."

Then *Poof* I'm Always There: Book 3 (Final) #Wattys2014Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora