Chapter 6: Markiplier Finds A Way

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When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you. -Unknown

~Lexi's P.O.V.~

"Welcome to my humble abode." Walking in through the door of his apartment, it felt like I was too dirty to even enter. Not just on the outside, but on the inside too. My head kept telling me to leave, that I don't belong here, but my heart said stay. For the time being, I listened to my heart.

It was beautiful. An open kitchen, spiral staircase, large living area, it was a lot bigger than his first place. I didn't even know there were two story apartments until now. Same furniture as always, new TV, fan art sent to him years ago adorning the place here and there. I saw Mark pulling out a chair from the dining table in between the living area and the kitchen.

"Make yourself, comfortable." He turned away and walked towards the fridge. "Anything in particular you'd like?" I knew exactly what I wanted. He used to make these amazing breakfast tacos, but that was back when we were happy and together.

"Not really. I'm not terribly hungry anyway."

"That's a lie if I've ever heard one."

"What do you mean?!" I exclaimed sitting down in the chair.

"I just mean you look like a twig. You said yourself you guys don't always eat."

"That doesn't mean I'm hungry." My stomach growled in disagreement though and Mark half smiled.

"I know what to make." He pulled out items from the fridge and freezer that I couldn't completely see.

"What're you making?"

"It's a surprise." He walked over to a mini speaker on one of the left counters and turned it on. "Do you still like Pearl Jam?"

"Um...yeah." He smiled and started a song I knew by heart.

"Hope this is okay."

"Yeah. It's fine." I sat there in my seat and watched him, standing over the stove mixing different foods together in a big pan. In no time there was a delightful smell filling the air. When he finally came over with a plate topped with the meal, I wanted to push it away.

"Good enough for you?" I looked at him skeptically, but took a bite of the warmed up tortilla filled with potato, cheese, egg, and bacon.

"You always were a good cook."


"Okay great." I looked at the perfectly cooked food and felt a bit sad. "You used to make these for me all the time."

"I did?"

"Don't act dumb." I half smiled and ate the food silently. He was right, I was starving. I finished both soft tacos quite fast, and for the first time in months felt full and fat. "Thanks. I needed that."

"You sure did."

"So when did you start listening to music?"

"I didn't. I put it on for you."

"What are you playing at, Mark? Why did you want me to come here."

"Like I told you. I wanted us to discuss what to do from here. Now that we've found each other again..." He didn't finish that sentence, but just zoned out in his seat across from me.

"Technically you found me."

"I was at the bar supposedly meeting up with my friend."


Then *Poof* I'm Always There: Book 3 (Final) #Wattys2014Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang