Chapter 22: The House

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There's no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of having. -Nelson Mandela

We talked to my parents a little more that afternoon, but soon had to say goodbye since we had other places to go today too.  My mom told me I could come home whenever I wanted, without worry of being kicked out again. I told her thank you, but in my mind I already knew I never would. I already knew I would stay with Mark for as long as possible. He was my home now.

They took a cab back and we climbed into the car. I knew exactly where we were going, but I tried to tell myself otherwise. My heart was in my stomach and I felt more nervous with each second that passed by. I kept a tight hold on Mark's free hand as he drove and focused on the music playing softly on the radio. He tried comforting me all the way there in little ways, like rubbing his thumb on the top of my hand or kissing my palm whenever we were stopped. A couple times he asked if I was still okay to go, and I said yes. I needed to see it again, if I was going to completely get over it all.

Then we pulled up to the empty house, the grass a bit tall and the window blinds closed, but overall intact and seemingly the same.

"We don't have to."

"I want to." I squeezed his hand and took several deep breaths before opening the passenger door and getting out. Slowly, very slowly, I walked up the pathway that led to the front and paused with the keys in my hand.

"Whenever you're ready, Dino." I could hear the tension in his voice, just as nervous as I was. I nodded and closed my eyes for a moment.

I'm ready, I thought to myself before putting the key in the lock and turning it.

(Play the music now)

The door creaked open and again I slowly walked through to the entryway.

It was pretty much the same as we had left it, except all the furniture was gone. Dust floated around and shone in the sunlight streaming through. The living room was still a creamy white and the carpet tan. There were spots on the wall that were lighter than others, only by a bit, suggesting there had been house decor on them at one point. There was a small brownish stain in the middle of the carpet floor from the time I accidentally spilled coffee while watching Netflix. Small memories started to flood back to me now, and I thought I could even see us from all that time ago.

I saw the couch, the TV, the kitchen setup, and I saw us. We were eating dinner at the kitchen table, cuddling on the couch, even...holding Ty and introducing him to Molly and Wade. I saw Mark pressing his ear against my bulging stomach before we even decided to go to England; I saw him holding our son and showing him around the house. I saw our happy little life as a family. Our family.

I walked down a short hallway where the second bathroom and bedroom were. Both doors were closed, but the bedroom's still had the name stuck onto it. In large blue foam letters, "Tyler" was spelled out onto it.

"You said you emptied the house."

"Yeah, well...I left this room untouched. I didn't think you'd want it taken down."

I gulped silently and reached for the door handle. I clasped onto it, but didn't open. Mark put his hand on mine and smiled sadly at me. We pushed the handle down and together walked into his room.

It was exactly the same. Not one thing had changed since his last night. The walls were still blue with the black streak along the top, the crib's pure white color hadn't faded or yellowed, the rocking chair stayed completely still with the stuffed bear we'd gotten him sitting in the middle of it. Again, dust particles floated in the air and collected onto whatever it could. I opened the dresser to find it still filled with his clothes, some of which he never got to wear. I picked up the bear and held it close, as if it were my little boy.

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