Chapter 24: An End To Call My Own

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Don't doubt yourself. Push yourself. Never give up. Do what you love. Take on the challenge. Improve, apply, and dedicate yourself. Follow your heart. Believe in yourself. -Mark Fischbach

Outside it's another sunny California morning. The familiar chirping from the local birds are singing me "good morning", even though I'm completely groaning. I can't see much from the screen on the window, especially at my angle, but I know when I get up for real I'll see the backyard to my great Aunt and Uncle's house and most likely a blue sky.

I rub my eyes clear of any blur and sleep at the corners and roll on my back to stare at the ceiling. A pretty, simple ceiling light that was off all night right in the middle of the room. It's not the only thing catching my attention, but I still stare at it, a bit groggy and sleepy still. I grunt again and pull the covers over my shoulders, turning on my side and closing my eyes.

"Lex, Mom and Dad say it's time to get up." I rolled back over and glared at the first of my younger siblings, who just so rudely came into the room without knocking.

"Do I have to?"

"Yeah. They said so. Breakfast is almost done." I groan again and wave my hand at him, motioning for him to leave. He does.

Deciding to obey the wishes of my family, I sit up in bed and run my fingers back through my long black hair. I wish I had purple again. But no! My job doesn't allow crazy hair. Whatever. Once I get to college this fall I can bleach it back. I find my phone in the mess of bed sheets and blankets and check all my social media before crawling out of bed.

Today's going to be different from the rest of this vacation, I can feel it! I'm going to go to Venice Beach, finally! Mom's told me about it and all the crazy weird people you see there, and I'm not letting this opportunity pass me up to let my weirdness flow. Plus my favorite band is always going there to hang out, so there's a chance I could meet at least Dennis! With that in mind, I pick out my only Astorian Stigmata shirt and a pair of black shorts. I won't worry about how the rest of me looks just yet. I threw those on top of my suitcase and walk out of the room into the hallway.

Oldies are playing on the speakers from the large TV in the living room and I find my family lounging around.

"She's alive!" my dad shouts when he sees me. I make some sort of weird dying dinosaur noise and get weird looks and laughs.

"Good morning, Sugar," my aunt says, stirring a scrambled egg mix in a bowl. "You sleep good?"

"Yeah, I did. Wish I had more time though."

"So you can go back to dreamland with your 'boyfriend'?" my mom teases.

"No!" Yes. "The bed gets lonely when I'm not there. I need to keep it company."

"So the bed is your boyfriend?"

"No. My boyfriend is my bed back home."

"Her boyfriend is Maaaaaark," my brother sings.

"Shut up!" I karate-chop his head and he glares at me before going back to his DS on the couch, playing with our cousin, Tommy, of nearly the same age.

"Get a plate and some food, honey. Do you need to take a shower?"

"Yeah. I need it bad!"

I took my plate to the open seat at the small table under the kitchen window and ate the eggs and bacon. Delicious. I almost go for seconds, but then I remind myself that I'm already fat enough so I don't. I thank them for the meal, say good morning to my youngest brother and cousin Nina then head back to my room. Taking the clothes I'd left out just a while ago and some clean underwear, I go into the open bathroom and lock the door behind me.

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