Chapter 3

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Jimin pov.

I don't really know why but for some reason the moment I woke up I could feel that something different would be happening today, and all I could hope for is that group of jail bait would leave me and my crew alone. It's not that I like violence it's just that they never get a hint, they are always pulling pranks on us or flirting around with our girls, or even some of the guys. I sighed just thinking about it as I pulled my bag over my shoulders and headed downstairs into the kitchen where my mom was standing at the stove cooking breakfast and my dad sat at the table reading the newspaper.

I made my way over to the table and sat down next to him and started eating the food that had already been set out. " Are you ready for the game?" My dad asked as he glanced at me with a proud smile on his face. My father was a top notch basketball player in highschool and of course I had to follow in his footstep, most kids would whine at their parents for wanting them to do the same things they did in school but when it comes to basketball I don't really mind it. Ever since I could walk you would see me carrying a ball around with me. "Yeah, ready for another win that is." I smiled brightly as I said it, our team has won every game so far, I wasn't really worried about losing.

I finished eating, gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and headed out the door and walked down the road towards the school gates that I could see from my front door. I met up with my friends who were in the usual spot by a tree in the middle of the schoolyard. Taehyung came up to me looking very excited about who knows what. "Dude!!!!" he yelled as he stood in front of me ' Ug I'm gna need to get a hearing aid by the end of the year if he keeps up with this yelling thing' I thought to myself as we walked over to our other friend Jin who was calmly waiting for us giving me an amused look as I half listened to Taehyung talk about how the school was going to put up a snack machine up by the drinking fountains. "I mean thats a great place to put that ya know? Then we could just get a snack and a drink at the same time!!! " I rolled my eyes and turned to him with a very exagerated grin " Yes, Tae that is an amazing idea." I stated we finally made it to where Jin was standing and I happily greeted the elder.

We stood there and talked for a while until it was time to go to class, then Jin went to his class while Tae and I made our way to ours. Once we walked in the room we sat down in our seats and waited for class to start. The bell rang but the when the teacher walked in she emediatley grabbed a ruler and ran to the back of the class room where the other door was. We watched her in confusion until we saw the door slide open and a group of idiots were about to run in until they saw her standing there. They nervously stared between her and the ruler until she said something that I couldn't hear and walked back to the front of the class. We watched as they made their way to their seats trying to intimidate every person they caught staring at them. Once they sat down the teacher officially started class.I turned around sighing heavily as I thought about how much those idiots bug me. The teacher told us to grab our notebooks and start taking notes, and after awhile I got to interested in the lesson than those idiots and let my nerves rest for awhile.

Yoongi pov.

Finally class had ended and it was time for luch Namjoon, Hoseok and I made our way down the hallway towards Jungkooks class to pick him up. Before we even made it halfway down the hall we were stopped by a bunch of Jocks in their stupid letter jacket things or whatever you call them. I glared at the one standing in front of me as Namjoon stepped in front of me " What do you want?" he asked annoyed at the fact that they had to delay his precious free time. " Oh nothing much" their leader said " Just thought we could I don't know have a little get together behind the school later?" it wasn't a question he just probably wanted to sound sophisticated or something, dam prep.

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