Chapter 4

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Jimin pov.

Everyone cheered as I shot the winning basket, we had won agian! Everyone on the team ran towards me and I could feel my self being lifted off the ground ask they held me up and walked around the gym as the people in the bleachers whooped and hollered some even threw flowers onto the gym floor. After awhile my teammates put me down and all of us headed towards the locker room. As people passed me through the hall they all gave me a pat on the back or highfives, one girl even came up to hug me saying that I was absolutely amazing. I finally made it out the school and saw my parents standing by the car looking at me with proud grins. I smiled brightly as I ran towards them and hugged both of them as they told me how good I had done.

We got into the car and headed to our house a block away. We pulled into our driveway and I hopped out of the car and ran straight to my room to shower and change into casual clothers. After grabbing an snapback I walked down the stairs and into the livingroom where my parents were watching t.v. " Hey dad can I borrow the keys?" he turned his head a little towards me and nodded as he grabbed his car keys out of his pocket and tossed them to me, I thanked him and walked out the door got into the car and drove the this burger place where Jin and Tae were waiting for me. I pulled into a parking space, locked the car and entered the small restraunt. The lady at the counter smiled at me ask I walked up to take my order, I payed for my food and turned to look for my friends I saw them sitting in a booth in the way back, I picked up my tray and headed over.

" Hey it's our winner boy!!" Jin exclaimed as I sat down by Tae who was too busy making a house out of french fries. " Thanks hyung!" I said happily then dug into my burger. We made small talk as we ate until "hey man, isn't that the guy you had a throwdown in the lunchroom with?" Tae said as he pounted towards the person. I turned to look at who he was talking about, and sure enough there stood Min Yoongi and it looked like he worked here, was wiping off a table holding a bucket of warm soapy water. ' Why is he working so late? Wait, why do I even care?' I shook those insane thoughts out of my head and turned back towards my friends. I tried to stop myself but for some reason I kept looking over to where Yoongi was working, I was amazed at how nice his smile was, even if it was a little fake, the thought of that made my heart hurt, ' Wait! Cut it out Park Jimin! What are you even saying? Remember you hate that guy!!' I sighed heavily as I turned back around " Hey guys, I gotta get going the old man wants his car back before too long." They both nodded and said goodbye as I made my way out of the restraunt putting all of my self control into not looking at the slightly taller sugar skinned boy who was now standing at the counter taking peoples orders.

Once I made it out the doors I ran to my car and quickly pulled out heading home. I pulled into my driveway ran to the door and unlocked it I set the keys on the hook hanging by the door and headed straight for my room. I don't think there's ever been a day where I wanted to fall asleep so fast, I lay in bed waiting for sleep to take over but am interupted with thoughts of the pale boy. I say up and rubbed my face out of pure irritation " Why am I even thinking about him like this!!" I said as I grabbed my pillow and threw it at the wall trying to release some of the anger that has been building up, I felt like crying, I haven't cried in years so why would I cry over something so stupid as this? " I need sleep." I layed back down after getting up to grab my pillow and waited for sleep to take over and after awhile it finally did.

Yoongi pov.

Like everyday I woke up to that stupid alarm clock, I'm surprised I haven't thrown that thing across the room yet. In just the few seconds I have been awake I knew that today was going to suck. I got up and did my normal morning routine, then headed out into the living room Where I saw Namjoon sitting on the couch eathing cereal. "What time did you come here last night" I asked remembering that I hadn't seen him since after school yesturday before I had to go sit in detention with that prep. " A little after 12" He stated I just nodded not surprised at all, I always wondered why he stays out so late but never asked, I just guessed that he was out at the club or something like that.

After he finished his breakfast we headed out towards school, since I had detentions we decided to keep going to schoo until I was done to save trouble. We were walking through the gates when all of a sudden that guy who always hangs out with Jimin (Not really sure how I know that) came up to stand in front of Namjoon with and almost hurt expression. I turned to look at Namjoon who almost looked releived at seeing the latter he turned to me with a blank expression " Hey you can go meet up with the rest of the guys I gotta do something" I nodded and started walking towards the school entrance I quickly looked back only to see Namjoon grab that guys had and run dragging him in another direction as he struggled to break look from the tight hold. I watched in shock ' What the heck is going on? ' I turned back around and entered the school still thinking about what took place just a few seconds ago.

Namjoon pov.

Jin stared at me with an emotioin that I couldn't even decypher, we stared into eachothers eyes until be broke eye contact when he looked down at my had that had a tight grip on his wrist. He reached over and tried to pry my hand off with his other one, I only tightend my grip and stepped closer to him only for him to take a step back killing my as pain came to my chest. ' Why is he trying to stay away from me?' I asked myselft wishing that this was just a dream and that he wasn't acting so cold towards me. "Namjoon" he said with a shaky voice, he looked up at me with tear filled eyes, I let go of his wrist only to put my hands on his face and pulling him closer and closing the gap between us. The kiss was gentle, but at the same time it was full of passion, it took him a few seconds until he kissed me back wrapping his arms around my neck as I moved my hands down to his hips pulling him closer. He broke the kiss and we both stood there with our forheads put together trying to catch our breath.

" I can't do this." He said sounding so broken, I tried to get him to look at me but he would push me away agian. " You don't mean that" I answered feeling my throat close up trying to keep myself from crying. He looked back up to me and tears fell down is beautiful face, I tooke a step towards him and this time he didn't push me away I just stood there staring at him, I reached my hand up and wiped his tears away, but they only got replaced with new ones. I looked at me as if his heart was being wripped apart because of what he was saying, he hesitently stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me barrying his face into my shoulder to muffle his sobs, I held onto him tightly feeling my own tears wet my cheeks. This has been bothering me lately, because we are so different from each other, I don't even know how it happened but it did, I fell in love with him.

After his sobs slowed down I gently pushed him back enough for me to see his face, his eyes were swollen and bloodshot and his face was covered in tear stained. I surprised when he reached his hand up to wipe the tears that I forgot were sliding down my face. We looked into eachothers eyes agian and after awhile " What's wrong baby?" I asked him wanting to know what had caused him to break down like that " I just, if either of our groups found out, I don't know " yeah none of our friends even know about this it was just me and him, since our groups pretty much hate eachother we have to keep this a secret or something bad might happen " It'll be fine babe, don't worry no one is going to find out." He nodded his heah and then leaned into my chest and I held him tightly trying to make him feel better. I know he doesn't like keeping things from his friends, neither do I, but right now I just want him to be safe and I feel like if anyone found out he would be the first person they would mess with. And yes I mean my friends, They hate those preps. and would probably stop at nothing to end this. I mean thats what keep telling myself, they could do the exacts opposite and let Jin be part of out group but as of right now I feel like the first one is more likely.


Well Jimin is starting to have a change of heart about Yoongi.......... Namjoon and Jin in a secret relationship? Well I guess we'll have to see what happens in the couples future ;) I hope you enjoyed this Chapter!!!

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