Chapter 7

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Taehyung pov.

I was walking down the road towards my part time job at the supermarket humming a song that I just made up in my head. The whole walk all I could think about was how weird Jimin was acting, I mean he hardly talked and just sat staring at the floor with cofusion written all over his face. I started walking across the street when all of a sudden I heard loud honking I looked up to see a car speeding towards me, I froze not able to move from the spot I was standing in nowing that in a few seconds I will probably be flattened like a pancake. I managed to push my eyes shut and waited for the pain that was to come, but instead I felt someone pull on my arm and I felt myself being held against a firm chest holding me tight while I started to panick. " Hey it's ok. I got you, it's ok." The guy holding me whispered comfortably in my ear, I felt tears streaming down my face " I could have died, it is definitely not ok!! " I shouted back still being held in a strong embrace. After I had settled down the guy finally pulled away so I could actually see who had just saved my life, my breath got caught in my throat as no other than Jung Hoseok stood infront of me staring at me with a glint in his eyes.

My heart started to race and I could feel the heat raising to my cheeks. I looked down and cleared my throte, that seemed to have woken him up from watever trance he was in and he let go of me. I took that chance to turn around and run back towards my house, I'm just gonna call in sick and hope my boss believes me. Once I made it to my house I ran down the hall to my bedroom slammed my door shut and slowly slid down it with my hands convering my face " Why didn't I push him away? I'm supposed to hate him, he's in Yoongi's gang." I whispered to myself staring out the window I could see that it was raining then I noticed that my clothes were soaked, groaning I stood up grabbed a new set of clothes and walked to my bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower I decided that I needed some sleep so I quickly got into my bed ready to be taken by my dreams, but all I could think about was Hoseok ' What so the delinquent saves you and automatically you have a crush on him?!? ' I thought to myself with a heavy sigh I stared out the window the rain had finally stopped and the moon was out shining brightly into my room. I decided I really needed to go to sleep so I agian closed my eyes and hoped that sleep would come and eventually it did.

The next morning I woke up in a cold sweat I had dreamed about the accident but instead of Hoseok saving me I ended up getting hit and the last thing I saw before I woke up was me laying in the street covered in blood with people gathering around be not one person trying to help. I sat in my bed for a few minutes trying the rub the uneasy feeling the dream had caused me to have. I finally got out of bed and put my uniform on I brushed my teeth and then went to the kitchen made myself some toast then walked out the door without waking anyone else up. I quickly walked to school and was surprised to see a firm figure that seemed to be Hoseok standing at the gates waiting for someone. I tried to walk past him without getting noticed but failed as I felt him grab my arm before I could walk past.

I yelped as he pushed my against the brick wall of the gate staring at me with those sparkling eyes with what almost looked like worry in them. " Are you ok? " He asked sounding like he was sincerely concerned about me. Frozen I just stood there opening and closing my mouth trying to get words out, he finally grabbed my face in his hands " Are you hurt anywhere?? " He asked almost sounding panicked, why would I be hurt it's not like the car actually hit me plus why does he care? Doesn't he hate my guts. Letting out the breath that I didn't notice I was holding I calmly nodded my head " I'm fine." I quietly answered, his grip on my arms loosened and I was able to escape I quicly ran to my two friends who both looked looked troubled " What's wrong guys?" I asked with my eyebrows knitted together, both still looking at the ground shook their heads as if saying they didn't want to talk about it. I shrugged pulling my phone out I sat by Jin and played a game on my phone to keep myself occupied from thinking about Hoseok until the bell rang, then without a word we all seperated to go to our homeroom class.

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