Chapter 9

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Jimin Pov.

"AHH!!!!" I yelled as I felt somone disterbing my amazing sleep by hitting me with a pillow. I threw the blankets over me ready to attack my attacker when I found out that the idiot was just Taehyung and well Jin was standing at a safe distance and in a ' ready to bolt ' stance. " What are you guys doing here? " I asked as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. " Umm..... wanna go get some pizza? " I looked at my clock confused.. " At 8 in the morning? " both of their faces dropped emediatly after I said that and there was an awkward silence until Taehyung hestantly answered " Breakfast pizza? " I just rolled my eyes at them and went to my closet to go get some pizza with my two idiotic friends. I usually don't mix Jin with the idiot title but this is one of those rare moments when he should wear an idiot of the day crown accompanied with a sash that says #1 Idiot, and to make it even better have Taehyung wear a sash that says idiot #2.

After I had gotten ready we left the house and headed to the nearest gas station that actually had Breakfast pizza. I tried to listen to Tae talk about something about a rabbit? No a horse? I don't even know I was too occupied with my own thoughts. He must have said something funny because Jin almost fell over from laughing so hard. I just started laughing awkwardly so that they would think that I had been listening.

We had bought our pizza and also a few other snacks and went to go eat it at the park. We sat down under a tree out of the sun. I couldn't even sit down before Mr. Kim Taehyung decided to attack the pizza " Yo man it's not just yours!!!! " Both Jin and I yell in unition at the now stuff cheeked boy. " Sorry " He answered while putting his hands up in surrender. I couldn't help but chuckle and grabbed a peice of the pizza before he could eat it all.

We hung out the whole day at the park we were on our way to my house when Jin got a call all of the sudden. I usually wouldn't have been interested in who he was talking with if he wasn't trying so hard to hide it. He hung up after a few seconds " Hey guys I gotta go do something, catch ya later!! " He said as he turnned and ran in the other direction. " Well that was weird " I said as I stood watching until I could no longer see Jins running figure. " Yeah he's been acting weird lately, hey... Can I stay at ur house tonight? I don't feel like walking home? " Taehyung asked with a pout, I just stared at him in question of why he was acting like a giant toddler " Of course you can, come on. " He gave me his signature rectangle smile and we continued to walk to my house.

We changed as soon as we got to my house, Taehyung of course had to bumb some clothes off of me but that wasnt a problem. We went downstairs to my living room and started watching scary movies because of course my best friend loves to torcher me and Jin isn't here to stop him. And of course he would leave the room right when the scariest part comes on. I sat there frozen to the couch as this girl was being chased around the house by this evil witch, when I suddenly felt hands grab my shoulders and a creepy witch laugh echode through the room " AHHHHHHHH!!!!! " I ripped the hands off of me and ran for my life around my house while the creepy laughing witch was right on my tail surching for Taehyung.

I ran through every room of my house and still couldn't find him " Oh my God!!! She got Tae!!!! " I screamed as I ran out the front door only to trip over a bush and tumble in to a pile of leaves. I was about to get up when the hand grabbed me agian and of course I screamed in a very manly way and desperately tried to rip the hands off. I suddenly heard over my manly screaming a very familiar laugh and soon the hands released themselves from my shoulders and I turn around to see Taehyung rolling around in the grass laughing his ass of. " I Hate You!!! " I yelled at him as I stomped back into the house " You Love Me!! " He yelled back from the ground an eventually followed me back into the house.

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