Chapter 17

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Jimin POV

I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock going off, openning my eyes I was blinded by daylight and saw on the alarm that it was 6 o'clock in the morning. I reached over the now groaning Yoongi and turnned the alarm off before adjusting myself and pulling the groaning boy closer to my chest where he stopped and openned his eyes to look at me sleepily, I lightly smiled down at him and brought my hand up to his cheek " Go back to sleep, there is no way we are going to school today. " He stared at me blankly while leaning into my hand " Agreed " He voiced before taking my hand off of his cheek and placing it on his side. I took the hint and pulled him in closer feeling him sigh in content, we just layed there not really able to go back to sleep. We were talking about our pasts as he played with my fingers. " So, you know how those guys beat you up for being gay? " He asked me, I just looked down at him confused at where he was trying to get with this.." Yeah what about it? " He stopped playing with my fingers and turnned to lay on his stomach " How did they know you were gay? I mean I've seen you making out with plenty of girls around school, so how did they find out? " His eyes were full of curiousity. I lifted my hand to start playing with his hair " They caught me staring at you in class. " " Really!!?? " He asked surprised. " Mhm. " Was all I answered back before getting out of bed putting on some clothes and heading to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I grabbed out to make eggs and put it on the stove when Yoongi wrapped his arms around me back hugging me. I just sighed heavily before starting to heat up the pan and cracked a few eggs in a bowl and scrambled them up. I was trying to walk to the spice cabinet but it was pretty much impossible with this sloth hanging all over me. " Yoongi~" I whined while standing in the middle of the kitches " Yeah" He answered back not even noticing my struggling. " Not that I don't like you hugging me but, I'm trying to cook. " He then let go I turned to see him pouting at me and then he sighed and went to sit in the livingroom to watch t.v. I shook my head ' That boy, I swear ' I thought as I continued to make our breakfast.

Once I finished the eggs I just made some toast and called it good. I put everything on the table and then yelled at Yoongi to come eat. We both sat in silence as we ate, it didn't take us long to finish and I made Yoongi wash the dishes which he complained about as he grabbed all of the plates off the table and brought them to the sink. I just laughed and went to the livingroom and sat in the chair to watch some t.v. Eventually Yoongi came out of the kitchen and plopped onto the couch not long after I heard quiet snores. ' Of course he fell asleep ' I giggled as I look over " So lazy. " I said quietly before turning my attention back to the t.v.

I was around 2 o'clock when there was a loud but excited sounding knock on the door, I got up to answer it since it didn't seem to wake Yoongi up. I openned the door only to see all of our friends standing there, " Heyyy " Tae said as he high-fived me and then walked into the house with Hoseok following behind. Jin and Namjoon just smiled at me before following the other two into the living room where Yoongi was still sleeping soundly not at all effected by the people in the room. I noticed both Namjoon and Hoseok looked at Yoongi and then at each other. I could see the wheels turing in their heads, ' They seriously want to be murdered ' I thought as I scooted closer to Jin for protection. I was right those two were up to no good, the minute I stepped behind Jin they both bolted towards the couch and jumped on Yoongi who woke up with a very angry yell.

Both Namjoon and Hoseok jumped off the couch and began to run around the house trying not to get killed by the very angry Yoongi who was chasing them with a flyswatter in his hand. Jin, Tae and I just stood their watching the scene very amused, I heard someone knock on the door and went to go answer it, I openned the door and saw that it was Jungkook. I let him in and he looked very amused to see the state his hyungs were in. Yoongi had gotten Namjoon and was beating him with the flyswatter while Hoseok thought that hiding underneath a blanket on the couch would save him. But it obviously didn't because then Jungkook ran and jumped onto the blanket cover Hoseok who let out a loud groan, causing Jin, Tae and I to practically die laughing.

After a while things started to calm down, Yoongi's aunt came and was surprised to see so many people in the house. We all laughed and Jungkook told us about how some substitute had hearing aid and would turn it off pretty much the whole class period and the whole class just messed around. Eventually Yoongi's aunt called everyone to eat and we all sat around the table scarfing down the food she had made. When we were all finished we just went to the livingroom and played games and watched a couple movies. Everyone then had to go home saying goodnight to us and then walking out of the door. I looked at Yoongi who just smiled at me and then headed towards our room, we were both exausted from how much fun we had with our friends. We both fell asleep almost as soon as our heads hit the pillows.

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