Why Didn't We See

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I rush over to Danny and catch him before he hit the ground, I try to help stop the bleeding but there was too much. I quickly grab my phone and call the guys. I hear the door open and I watch as George slides over to me "move, I have to see his cut" he said, I nod my head and I move. I look down to my hands and I start crying, "I'm sorry Danny..." I say quietly.

I feel somebodys arms wrap around me "it's okay, we all didn't know that he was doing this" Jordon says, I nod my head and continue to cry. George works quickly to try and stop the blood and close his cut, he shakes his head and grabs his phone. He dials a number and starts saying what's going on, I realize that he's calling an ambulance.

I hear the sirens and I watch as Danny gets taken away. I start to cry some more, why did Danny do this? Was it all my fault? Jordon holds me tighter and tries to calm me down. I slowly stop crying and I just sit there in silence. The guys clean up the house while I try to wash the blood off of my hands. Louie comes up to me and sniffs my leg, I kneal down and rub his head.

I look to his food bowl and notice that it's empty, I give him his food and water and watch him eat. He goes back up to me and looks to the door, I smile and grab his leash. I hook it to his collar "hey guys I'm going to go walk Louie" I say as I walk out. I watch as Louie sniffs trees and bushes, he pees on a few and takes a shit every now and then.

I turn back and make my way back to the house. Louie stops and sits down and doesn't budge, I sigh and pick him up and carry him back. I open the door to the house and set Louie down, unhooking him from his leash "I have...unleashed the puppers!" I say, cringing at myself. The guys groan and sigh. Danny would've loved that joke. I wish he didn't do that to himself, I need him. I love him.

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