Ep 9: The girl with purple hair

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Digimon Tamers
Digimon and the characters are owned by Toeianimation
I only own Tiffany and Pansamon  (and his evo line)

Tiffany sat in a restaurant. Sitting across from her was her friends Kenta and Kazu.

Digimon Cards were placed out on the table.

Kazu and Tiffany both held digimon cards in their hands.

"Okay Tiffany, your turn" Kenta informed her.

Tiffany nodded and drew a card from her deck.

"Don't worry Tiffany. This game will be over next turn." He said with a smitk.

Tiffany grinned. "I'm glad you said that dork." She turn the card she just drawed. "Digi-modify,  Angewomon's arrow. I equip the card to Lekismon and attack Devimon"

Kazu eyes grew wide. "No way...um." He looks down at the cards in hands. "Um...I digivolve Cherrymon into Puppetmon. And I attack-"

Tiffany raised an eyebrow. "I don't think so. Digi-modify angelic sphere."

Kazu started to panic. "But how-"

Tiffany drawled a card from her deck. "Well looks like you just lost to a girl Kazu!" She cheered. "Digi-modify character card. Angewomon's digivoultion energy has reached max. And she has become Ophanimon. Ophanimon attacks Puppetmon to win me the fight!"

Kazu face palms. "How didn't I see that coming." He groaned. "And I thought I was going to win.

Kenta pats him on the back. "Better luck next time."

Tiffany takes out her cell phone. "Hmm...it looks like it's getting late. I will talk to you both later." She pockets her cell phone. And then she puts her Digimon Cards in her purse.

"Good night" they said calling after her.

Tiffany smiles and waves at them as she walks away.

(Takato's house)

Takato sat at his desk drawing a picture of a new digimon.

"Okay, lets see. Hm, I'll just add a bunch of spikes down his back and put a few stripes below them, nah that's just dumb, no I can't write on his back. Ah well, they still look cool, now what will I call him? Uh, Gillimon? Goalie? Growl! Growlimon! Growlmon. Of course, Growlmon, now what's his attack?" He whispers to himsel

Outside Takato's house, there's a couple talking at the park.

"Uh, I've been doing a lot of thinking." The man whispered.

He puts his hand on hers.

"Oh..." She blushed.

He shook his head. "Oh, not that. Not about that. You see it's just um..."

The woman starts to shiver. "It's cold...out here."

"That's it, exactly."

"And a fire would be nice." She sighs.

"Uh huh."

"And a comfy couch." She added.

"Uh huh..."

"With me?" She asks with a smile.

"Uh huh."

"A fire? Allow me. Ba boom!" Impmon shouts.

He lights his finger and it fire blazes straight up, making the man and woman run away screaming.

"What? Ooh, I forgot the couch."

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