Ep 23: Impmon is my friend!

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Digimon Tamers: (Tiffany scripts) 

Ep 23: Impmon is my friend!

Digimon is owned by Toeianimation 

I only own Tiffany, Pansamon (his evos), and Epipamon (and her evos)

Tiffany smiled as she walked through the park. She was currently alone. But all she could do was smile. It was late in the afternoon. And she was coming home from hanging out with Julia, and Takato. The day consisted of watching a new movie that came out. 

Tiffany giggled as she recalled, Takato trying to reenact a scene in the movie. Trying to act all tough, as he pretended to interrogate someone. "Tell us, where you hid the money pal?!" Tiffany had only smiled then, and teased him that he should stick with his day job.

Tiffany was feeling spectacular from just bring able to wear a new dress, her mother bought her. The dress was a lovely shade of pink that was like a light salmon. She wore a white blouse under the dress to brighten up the dress that was hugging her body but still loose enough for to breath. Tiffany was also was wearing bright white sneakers with pink rubber on the bottom of the shoes. Tiffany also tied her hair into a pony tail with a small pink scrunchie. 

"Hey there blondie!" A voice shouted from the trees. Tiffany stopped walking to stare up at Impmon. The rookie digimon was staring down at her. "What you walking around, all dressed up?" He asked. An amused look on his face. Tiffany shrugged her shoulders. "I just wanted to try out a new look." She smiled as she stared down at her outfit. "I think this really suits me." 

Impmon rolled his eyes. "Sure, whatever." Tiffany frowned at the imp digimon. "What do you want?" She asked. He frowned as he leaned up against the tree he was in. "Oh...I was just in the neighborhood." He grumbled. "And I remembered you left this with me, a couple of days ago." He pulls something out from under his handkerchief and throws it down to her feet. 

Tiffany blinked as she stared down at a crumbled up piece of green paper. She picked it up, and noticed it was the twenty dollar bill. She had given Impmon, before she ran off to help her friends. "Oh Impmon." She shook her head. "You don't have to give this back to me. I gave it to you as a gift." She smiled. 

Impmon blushed at this. "A gift?" He asked rather surprised. He slipped out from the tree and fallen into some bushes. Tiffany rushed over to him. "Are you alright?" she asked with concern in her voice. The imp digimon stuck his head out from the bushes. "Yeah..." He walks out from the bushes and stares at her. "Why do you have to get all sappy with me? It kills my image." 

Tiffany giggled. He almost acted like Takato. This little imp digimon to her, was only trying to act tough. But she knew, that somewhere deep inside of him. He had a kind heart. She leaned down and open the palm of his hand. Impmon took a step back. "What are you-" She placed the crumbled up twenty dollar bill in his hand. "I really don't need it, so why don't you buy yourself more ice cream." She smiled at him. And got back up. "Welp, it was nice seeing you again." She started to walk away. 

But stopped when Impmon yelled at her. His eyes were narrowed. "I don't need your stinking hand out! I don't need you feeling sorry for me." He growled. Tiffany softly smiled. "It wasn't a hand out." She shook her head. "Impmon...I know you may feel all tough and all. But you need help like everyone else." She smiled up at him. "If you don't want me to kill you street cred. Just tell someone you stole it from me." She teased. 

Impmon stares down at the bill. Not knowing what to say. "But...." He whispered. She smiled again. "But really Impmon, even though you may be annoying sometimes. I hope maybe, you would like to be my friend." She started to run away. She turned around and waved at him. "Think about it Impmon. Have a good night!" She called after him. 

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