Chapter 25

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'So how are things with you and Buffy?' Willow asked as they were walking down the street.

'Good I guess I don't know. This is all so new to me aha' Spike laughed 'how are things with you? What happened to that bossy chick?'

'Kennedy you mean and I don't know, she wanted me to go with her but I couldn't leave Buffy, Dawn and Xander they needed me, you guys are my family and I needed you guys as well'

'Ah Red we are always here' Spike smiled

'Did you think you would get her?' Willow asked

'No, never in a million years'

'But what happened then?'

'I never gave up, I wanted Buffy and then in the end she wanted me, but I thought I was gone. When I first woke up in that hole, oh gosh I just wanted to know she was okay, I didn't care how much pain I was in'

Willow had a layer of tears in her eyes 'aww!' she squealed

'Oh don't give me that!' Spike laughed

'Haha, it's nice to laugh. It always feels like we aren't allowed to laugh and be happy, it's like no wait you guys can't be happy you have to save the world again!' Willow whined

'I know, I never really knew what happiness was, when I was a bad vampire I thought happiness was... killing people. But then Buffy, she made me feel a whole different side of everything' Spike smiled to himself

'I'm glad your happy' Willow replied

'And we want you to be happy Will, we will find Xander' Spike said.

Willow and Spike continued walking down the street, not much was open except one shop, a 24 hour dinner, someone sat in that Dinner, drinking his 5th coffee. 'I should go home' he thought, 'but I don't want to be anywhere or do anything but what if the gang is worried, I just can't deal with anything, I just want Anya' The man sobbed into his coffee, the workers weren't even at the counter, the man got up and left.

'We will look again tomorrow Willow' Spike said unlocking the house

'We shouldn't even be home! he's still out there!' Willow yelled

Giles ran into the room 'no luck?' He asked, Willow looked at him with tears in her eyes and ran into the kitchen.

'No...' Spike answered shutting the door softly

'Dawn's asleep and I think Buffy actually might be awake' Giles told Spike

'Thanks I'll go to bed, hey do you reckon you could speak to Willow? she hasn't been doing so good' Spike asked

'Of course' Giles smiled

Spike climbed up the stairs softly he would hate to wake Dawn up, he opened the door quietly and slipped in

'I'm awake' Buffy said

'Hey darlin' Spike replied pulling his pyjamas pants out the draw

'Did you fi...?'

'No' Spike replied cutting Buffy off

'Will you cuddle me?' Buffy asked

'Of course love' Spike smiled putting his pyjama pants on and climbing into bed. Spike spooned Buffy

'Are you okay now?' he asked her

'Way better now your back' Buffy giggled

'Oh you' Spike nuzzled his face into Buffy's neck. Buffy fell asleep after about 5 minutes and Spike not long after Buffy.

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