Info/Chapter 1

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Name: Mya Uzumaki

Village: Konoha (Leaf Village)

Look: Brown hair that goes a little below her shoulders, always up in high pigtails using red ribbon, fair skin, Chocolate brown eyes, Black ninja shoes, a leather mini-skirt the zips in the back, a red bikini -like top that ties in the front.

Kamif has bunny ears and tail, Ice blue skin, snowy eyes with a hint of blue, Ice blue hair that's a little bluer than her skin, her clothes are the same only blue, her hair styles the same too

Family: Naruto Uzumaki

Friends: (Girls)Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuuga, Ten Ten, and Temari (Boys) Shikamaru Nara, Kiba Inuzuka, Gaara, and Sasori (I know he's dead but in this story he's still alive)

Talents: Can sing like an angel, dances very well, very intelligent, good fighter, great cook

Fall Backs: Loves killing, is thrilled by the sight of blood, is demon possessed

Personality: Kind, gentle, caring, loving, towards her friends and family, but if you piss her off, she's a nasty bitch who will not hesitate to kill you, and she's a total potty mouth.

Likes: Music, dancing, writing, drawing, singing, her friends, being a ninja, and animals

Dislikes: the sight of her own blood, being alone, being yelled at, being a princess (will be explained in a sec)

Past: Mya was a lonely child. Her twin brother, Naruto, and her had demons sealed in them at birth. Naruto with the Nine-tailed fox Kyuubi, and her with a Rabbit/wolf demon named Kamif. Because she is the vessel of the mist demon Kamif, Mya was named princess of the Land of Water. She hated it with all of her being, because it kept her away from her brother, who was being treated like a monster. When Mya was 5 she went to a meeting with the Kazekage in the Sand Village in the Land of Wind. There she meet Gaara and Temari, her two closest friends. She spent her whole month long visit with them. Wondering why some people were avoiding Gaara. When Temari told her that he was possessed by a demon, she automatically told them of her demon. That made the day she left even harder. She reminded them they'd meet again and then left, tears heavy on her eyelids. At the age of 6 she meet a puppet man named Sasori. Mya and him somehow clicked like that. He told her that he had to leave a week after Mya met him for he was a criminal, and told her that he hoped they'd meet again someday. At the age of 7 she met the rest of her friends. When Mya became a ninja, she somehow made a 5 man squad, including Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Asuma-Sensei, and herself. Chunnin exams came and she was thrilled to see her sand friends again, but Gaara had changed, and it scared her. When the exams were over Mya and Shikamaru were both made Chunnin. Sometime from meeting Sasori and becoming a Chunnin Mya reverted into a Jashinist.

Our story starts a little after Naruto, Jiraiya and Mya came back from their 2 year training.


Mya's POV

I was waiting for Naruto to fall off the telephone pole he was standing on. When I realized he didn't plan to fall, I punched the pole and he fell, the pole having a dent in it.

"What the hell was that for?" Naruto said while rubbing his face, which hit the ground at full force.

"I didn't think you'd wanna miss a chance to have ramen, or see Sakura." I said, smirking at the dirt all over his clothes.

"Oh, yeah Sakura.... I wonder how much she's changed?" He said a little worry in his voice.

"Not much really." We swung around to see Sakura.

"Sakura!" I screamed.

"Great to see you to, Mya." She said while sticking a finger in her left ear.

??? POV

I looked threw the papers on my desk. Sighing as I looked at the forms listing off strong ninja to join the organization.

I found this one form, that seemed to be a little girl. I was shocked to see that she was a Chunnin and was almost an S-ranked Leaf village ninja. She's been repeatedly asked to join the ANBU in her village and the mist village. She was a princess! This girl was one I needed in my organization, even though she was possessed by a demon, it was not one we needed, so it meant we'd be even stronger.

There was a knock on the door of my office.

"Enter." I said in a very stern voice. Two men came into my office. One was blonde and had his hair covering his left eye. The other had red hair.

"We finished our mission, un" Said the blond.

"Good," I said, "Now you have another mission."

"But we just got back, un, can't we take a break?"

"I need this mission done now!" I said, scaring the blond a bit.

"What do you need us to do now?" Said the red haired man.

"Get this girl." I said passing the form of the girl. "I want you two to get his girl and bring her here, I want her to join and the sooner you get her the sooner you can have your 'break'" I ordered them.

"B-b-but t-this girl. I know this girl!" Said the redhead.

"That makes it all the better then, right un?" The blond was getting on my nerves with all his 'uns'.

"No, she's a dangerous bitch when you piss her off enough, please reconsider wanting her to join the Akatsuki!"

"Sasori, are you scared of her?" I asked. He has never questioned me before.

"Only when she's pissed."

"Go get her."

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