Chapter 19

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Mya's POV

I woke up and we started heading to the Village Hidden in the Clouds. This was SO boring.

I turned and found our target. She had long blond hair that was in two ponytails in the back. Her Cloud Headband was across her forehead. She turned and saw us, then ran.

"Mya, that the 2-tailed vessel?"

"Yes it is Kakuzu." I started to chase her. I ended up in this sewer and got to this giant room that lead to other sewers.

"My attacks are the slowest of the Akatsuki's." Hidan admitted.

"So you are Akatsuki?" She smiled.

"Let's finish this." Kakuzu said.

"I have to pray to Jashin-sama." I sighed and took out my necklace to pray with Hidan. Kakuzu looked like he was gonna kill us.

"We may not look it, but Hidan and I are very religious, anything under pure killing is a sin." She smiled.

"I got you right where I want you." All of a sudden the entrances were closed due to paper bombs. Shit.

"Why don't you come quietly?" The 2-tails came out.

"Well Hidan-kun, I don't think that worked." She sent a fireball and we thought Kakuzu was gonna die. Oh how I hoped he would. He didn't. Hidan and I were hiding.

"Cat and Mouse, This should be fun." I smiled and Hidan got to work.

Hidan and I were lying on two Jashin symbols, the 2-tailed vessel was about an inch from death and hour later..

Kakuzu and Hidan started to fight, again.

"You two fight like a married couple, holy." They both glared. Then Hidan smirked and after pulling out his spike came over to me.

"We do eh?" He grabbed my chest and I inhaled quickly, then let out a soft moan. I pulled the spike out and slapped Hidan

"Don't fucking grab me in public!" Hidan smirked and kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry Mya." Zetsu came and took the demon vessel away.

"We have to do something before going back to the hideout." I nodded. Kakuzu was pretty much in charge, he was ancient anyways, back to 1st Hokage's time.

Two days later we ended up in Fire Country, why me. We were headed to the Fire Temple for one of the monk's bounty. I didn't wanna get on the Fire's Most Wanted Assassin List. When we got to the temple, I got in and I just walked up to the monk and bowed.

"What do you want.?" I stood and looked at him.

"I am, well, was, one of Sarutobi Asuma's students." That seemed to get his attention.

"What are you here for?"

"The ones I'm traveling with are here for your bounty, I came to warn you."

"You're abandoning them?" I shook my head.

"I'm not going to kill you. Watch them kill you, yes, Help them, no." I lead him out.

"There's my prize." Kakuzu mumbled.

"I wish you luck Fire Temple Monk." I bowed and stood outside the gates. Two hours later I walked in and picked up the body, handing it to Kakuzu. I sensed a monk wasn't dead.

"Sense something Mya?" Kakuzu asked.

"No. It was just my imagination." They nodded and we left. I had the feeling that I was the only merciful one.

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