Book 2 - Part 3: Breach

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Harry ran down, skipping two stairs at a time, feeling the energy from the seed flood into him, but before he even reached the bottom of the stairs, he felt a pulse of magical energy throb from the walls themselves.

The feeling was soon joined by a smooth sound of chanting...

He instantly knew what was happening. The Death Eaters were countering the wards with ancient old as Ward Magic itself. They had no doubt positioned themselves around the house to perform some kind of 'anti-ward ceremony'. He had seen one done before in Tom's memory; they had tried it on that small house with the woman inside. Hopefully the wards here would be as strong as the woman's in the memory.

He landed at the bottom of the stairs with a -thud- and charged into the Living Room as three startled Dursley's turned to him, confused as they too were feeling the static in the air and hearing the odd chants making their way through the walls.

"Boy, put that thing away this instant!!!" Vernon hissed as Petunia and Dudley gasped upon seeing the wand held tightly in Harry's hand.

"They are coming! Get in my room now!" Harry boomed, skidding into the room.

"'They'?! Who?!" Vernon shouted stupidly, already turning red, as Petunia instantly stood up, her face pale, and her eyes wide. Apparently, she was intelligent enough to see the danger that was linked with the sudden odd chanting and power coming from the house that was making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

" Vernon, Dudley, do as he says," she stated, her voice flat and hollow.

"Wha—??" Vernon began, turning to his wife as if she had lost it.


"GO!" Harry shouted, running past them into the kitchen to see at least two Death Eaters attacking the back door, trying to get past the wards that were now visible and shimmering bright red and silver across the doorway.

Harry didn't see the Dursleys, but heard them charging up the stairs as he literally felt the house come to life; it was angry...

Harry turned and was about to head for the stairs to follow his relatives as the magic within the house shuddered. It didn't go out, but Harry knew that what he felt was not a good sign. Whatever the Death Eaters were doing, it was not the same thing they had done in the memory to that woman's house.


The kitchen back door blasted off, and Harry saw Death Eaters beginning to step through the threshold as the ward faltered slightly, forcing their way through with precise waves of their wands.

"Reducto!" Harry shouted, hitting the Death Eater who was just beginning to enter in the chest, before he quickly moved backwards towards the stairs, reentering the entryway from the kitchen.

Harry then glanced at the kitchen table, and with a flick of his wand and a muttered charm, caused it to fly towards the doorway.

"Vinculum!" Harry shouted, pulling a spell from his mind he had just recently learned.

At that, the table seemed to melt into the wall itself, glowing a bright shade of blue before glowing red, actually bonding to the house and wards.

Harry then ran to the stairs, hoping the Dursley's weren't freaking out over Dobby or Draco. Hopefully Draco had body-binded them off to the side or something and he was guarding the window and door.

He was halfway up the stairs when the front door behind him was thrown open. With barely a glance back, he shouted, "Stupify!" as he clamored up the stairs, hoping he would hit whoever had blown the door away.

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