Book 3 - Part 3: Called

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Remus reentered the room with hot chocolate for everyone, melting chunks of chocolate floating in each.

"Albus is dealing with the Ministry, trying to figure out what happened, but he told me he will come as soon as he can. Poppy will be arriving soon, she's getting a few things that may help Harry," Remus said.

True to his word, Poppy arrived a moment later, immediately dashing up the stairs, having been told where they would be in the house.

Pomfrey entered Harry's room, Draco and Vince on one side of the bed, while Sirius and Remus were on the other. Pomfrey went straight to work, giving Remus an approving look when she noticed the hot chocolate.

"You may wish to wait for Albus downstairs," she said to them all. They got the hint and left the room, leaving Harry with her as well as Teddy.

O o O o O

Grimmauld Place - Living Room

Harry was now sleeping. Draco, Vince, Sirius, and Remus were waiting for Dumbledore with Pomfrey. Pomfrey didn't know what the green pulse was exactly, but she did know the magical residue (on Harry and Teddy) had a hint of chaotic; however, the majority of it was a mystery to her because it was almost as if it was no longer present. At all. Lupin had asked how she knew she wasn't detecting all of the magic.

She looked up and said, "Because it was blocking my detection spell, and only powerful magic, or a lot of it, can do that."

They didn't know what to think about that, and Teddy didn't have any information to enlighten them, only saying he had helped focus the magic against the 'scary soul sucking ghouls.'

Finally, Dumbledore came through the fireplace.

"Where's Sev?" Draco immediately asked.

"He's speaking with the Aurors. They're interviewing the people who had been in the shop with you, Vincent and Harry," Dumbledore answered. "He should be here shortly."

Sirius' eyes narrowed. Dumbledore noticed.

"Sirius, I have no doubt Severus is berating himself this very moment. I do not feel it would be productive to add to his personal punishment. Please remember that he was not the only guardian to leave their charge there. If memory serves me, I recall only one parent being present in a room with twenty three children," Dumbledore said calmly.

"Albus, what's going on in Diagon Alley? What are they going to do now that they know the dementors have turned?" Remus asked, seeing that Sirius was preoccupied.

Dumbledore's eyes became wary at the last question.

"Apparently, the Ministry had received intel that at least one of the escaped convicts was in Diagon Alley. From this, they allowed the Dementors to make an in-the-air-sweep of the area and had given them the authority to go down if they suspected Bellatrix or one of the others to be truly in the alley," Dumbledore said.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Sirius shouted, standing up, previous anger towards Snape clearly forgotten.

"I'm afraid I'm not."

Sirius began pacing, mumbling curses and methods to kill certain stupid politicians. Remus was just as angry, just not as vocal. Draco and Vince were in shock.

"So, they're going to what? Say, 'Sorry everybody for the overexcited dementors!'?" Sirius snapped.

"Cornelius is going to give an 'utmost sincere apology' and explain what had happened and that the Ministry had only hoped to catch the criminals," Dumbledore said before giving a sigh. "He is falling into Voldemort's hands and doesn't even know it.... The truly sad thing is that Cornelius believes he is helping, but is not. He isn't seeing the entire picture."

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