Book 3 - Part 11: No Restraint

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Dumbledore walked out of the second floor bathroom, having had a delightful discussion on layered magic with Salandra. He really enjoyed the in-depth conversations with her and he wondered if anyone else alive had access to such knowledge.

Canceling the notice-me-not charms on himself, he continued down the hall, his cane lightly tapping against the floor as he went. He had stopped needing the cane a long time ago, but he had grown to liking the feel of it in his hand, and he also enjoyed the way people paused in the ministry as he made his way across certain areas. People really reacted oddly at times when they saw him with it, though many quickly caught on that he really didn't need it. Perhaps spinning it around like an expert baton twirler was the reason? No matter, he had something he needed to do, now that Ollivander would be awake.

Arriving in his office, he firecalled Ollivander, who, of course, invited him for some tea soon after.

After leaving a note for McGonagall, in case she needed him, he flooed over to Ollivander's shop.

"So Albus, what do you wish to talk to me about?"

"Well, Xanimaous, just one thing in particular. . . ."

O o O o O

Ollivander, along with all of his wands and belongings (kindly packed by Dumbledore into an extra-dimensional bag) moved into Hogwarts the following day. He secretly took residence in a side room that Dumbledore had wisely added a few hours before that was attached to his quarters.

Harry and the others were quite pleased when they learned of this (Dumbledore sending the news through Snape, who then told Draco, since it wasn't a pressing matter that needed to be told through the mirror).

Later that week, the Custosae were alerted to an assault on a shop in Diagon Alley. Peg (Moody) and a few other Amici arrived on the scene to find Ollivander's had been broken into and ransacked — not that there were many items to break and destroy. Evidently, the individuals who had broken in (after suffering the rather nasty hexes through the door — thanks to the Custosae), had been enraged to find the place empty.

This news quickly made Ollivander grateful to Dumbledore, as well as this Mage fellow who had requested Ollivander's relocation.

As for the Wizarding World, Sirius Black, the representative of the Custosae, calmly informed the public that Ollivander had been placed in protective custody earlier that week due to the war and his knowledge on wands and magic. Minister Fudge kindly demanded to be shown proof of this. Thankfully, Ollivander had agreed to sign a magic document confirming his safety dated earlier that day. The Ministry accepted this after casting several charms to verify the validity of it, then asked the Custosae to keep them informed of Ollivander's wellbeing.

During all of that rather interesting drama, Fudge asked Dumbledore to have a brief meeting with him (mainly to discuss recent events and possible preparations for possible future events).

"Cornelius?" Dumbledore asked, entering Fudge's office.

"Ah, Albus, thank you for coming."

"What can I do for you? You have not needed much of my advice for some time," Dumbledore said kindly.

Fudge had taken what Harry had told him that day in the infirmary to heart. He wanted to be a man his grandfather would have respected and would have been proud of. He wanted to bring the Fudge name into an age of respect and honor, instead of cowardice.

"I have been thinking on something for some time now, and now would like your thoughts on the matter," Fudge said, both of them sitting down. He took out a sheet of paper and slid it toward Dumbledore.

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