Chapter 1

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As I heard a fist pound against my desk I quickly opened up my eyes. It was the student in front of me passing me back the papers for the exam we were taking. I groggily took one paper and then passed them back to the person behind me.

"Alright students, begin . . . now!" the teacher spoke. Everyone around me started to immediately scribble down answers while I was still writing down my name. What was the big deal with everyone here? Besides, these questions were easy as cake. Or, was it easy as pie? Anyway, as I finished writing down my name, I started to answer the questions on my exam sheet.

Ding~! The timer on Mr. Ponder's desk rang, and he then said, "Everyone, pencils down." in a calm matter. "On your way out, please hand me your exams before heading to lunch."

The students begin to file out as they handed in their exams to Mr. Ponder. "Um, Hyun, may I have a word with you?"

I turned my head back at my professor and nodded. He closed the door and told me to sit at a seat. "Mr. Ryu, lately, I have been noticing that you've been failing my class. Are you aware of that?"

Sweat began to fall down on my forehead faster then you could say 'pumpkin patch' and I suddenly felt his amount of weight on my shoulders. "Um . . . yes . . . ?" I squeaked as I tugged on my shirt. There was nothing but an awkward silence for a couple seconds before Mr. Ponder finally said, "Hyun, if you fail this class, you will have to retake this course next year, and you might not have enough credits to receive your bachelor's degree at the end of the year. I'd advise you to either study and get your grades up before the end of the year, or . . ."

"Or what?" I asked in curiousness. "You can get a tutor to help you out," finished Mr. Ponder. "A tutor . . . ?" Mr. Ponder nodded. "I know a young man who can help you actually,"

"Who?" I asked. "Jumin Han," was his answer. "Jumin who now?" I asked. Who in the hell was that? It sounded like some sort of . . . like one of those anime guys or something. "He's the top student in this class. He sits in the back of the classroom, so you probably don't notice him. I'll set up a meeting for you two in the library tomorrow after classes," Oh . . . He was one of those guys.

"So, uh, what about my exam?" I asked, trying to forget about his "Juman Ham" guy or whatever his name was. "We'll see about your grades for that," glared Mr. Ponder. "Off you go to lunch now,"


"Hyun!" I heard a voice calling for me from behind. I turned to see a tired Saeran Choi running towards me. "Saeran??" The next thing I knew was that I see my best and only friend clinging to my arms. "What's wrong now, Sae?" That's my nickname for him. "It's Rika . . . She's chasing me again . . ." When he lifted up his face, I could see scratches and a bruised eye that she had probably given him. Honestly, I didn't understand why Jihyun even began dating her. I didn't care if she was mental and all that crap, no one hurts my best friend.

"Shh, shh, it's okay . . . You're alright now, Sae. No one's going to hurt you. Do you want some candy?" I asked him as I pat his red head. He sniffled as he said, "Y-yeah . . . That sounds n-nice, Hyun . . ." I smiled as we walked out of the cafeteria.

The thing about Saeran and I was that we actually were dorm-mates. We met in our Freshmen year here at SKY University. He told me that he has an older brother named Saeyoung. I think I've seen him and a Blondie named Yoosung around campus every once in a while. As I've mentioned earlier, there's this girl named Rika, right? DON'T LIKE HER ONE BIT. Sure she seems nice and pretty and all that shit, right? But, on the inside, I know she's a S-N-A-K-E. She keeps bullying Saeran and the professors or no one for that matter does anything to stop it. I don't know why they could just let Rika do something so harsh to him! Her boyfriend is named Jihyun, but most of his colleagues and friends just called him 'V'.

Hmm, well, there's also this one girl who seems to be friends with MC. MC is just a girl who seems to just hang around in the background most of the time, but, I think she's friends with Saeyoung and Yoosung. She also hangs out with a girl . . . I think her name was Jaehee?

Well, anyway, Rika's a snake, end of story, bye. No, I'm just kidding, but for real, she is. Anyway, Saeran and I went to our dorms to get some candy. Once I had given him a lollipop to eat, he had calmed down. I almost forgot about this 'Jumin Han' guy because Saeran had side-tracked me.

"So, the professor told me that I had to get a tutor, and he told me that my tutor was Jumin Han?" Saeran stopped nibbling on the lollipop I had given him and said, "Jumin Han?!"

"Um . . . yes? Why?" I asked Saeran. "He's like the smartest guy in school! I think he was going to get his master's degree this year," said Saeran. "So basically . . . he's a nerd?" I said bluntly. "Yeah . . . But still," answered Saeran. "So, when are you starting?"

"Tomorrow. I'm meeting him after class in the library." I answered. "Good luck," said Saeran. "Thanks Sae," I smiled. "Hey, if you fall in love with this guy, can I be your best man at your guys' wedding?" chuckled Saeran. "Just eat the damn lollipop you dork," I retorted as I pushed him gently. "Besides, he's probably got a girlfriend or something,"

Oh, there's one more thing I forgot to mention, I'm gay. Heh-heh . . .

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