Chapter 10

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I shook Sae and Jumin as hard as I could to wake the two of them up. Since that didn't work out well, I decided to yell.


In a matter of seconds, the two sleepy men woke up as they groggily sat up in bed.

"Whatever is the matter, Hyun?" Jumin asked me as scratched his messy bed head.

"Oh nothing, expect for the fact that WE HAVE CLASS IN LIKE 10 MINUTES." I explained anxiously.

Saeran and Jumin both looked over at the clock. Wait for it . . .

3 . . .

2 . . .

1 . . .


There it is.

"Well, get your asses up and out the door! Jumin, um, here! Use my shirt for now." I said as I quickly tossed him my purple sweater.

"Um, thank you . . . ?" was his repsonse.

"No time for thanking me, you can do that later. Right now, out, out, out!" I exclaimed, ushering my friends out the door.


Fortunately, the building wasn't very far away. We made it in time, about a minute or two before class started actually. Unfortunately, Jumin's class was all the way across campus so . . .

"Okay everyone, exam season is coming up soon, and today, let's start with a nice little lecture. AHEM . . . Now,"

The 'nice and little' (big ass UGH) lecture was so boring. But, I did understand the main concept of it and took down notes. Saeran wasn't even paying attention for the most part; probably just reading a comic or something to be honest. Actually, I think Jumin taught me some of these lessons the previous night.


"Okay, so Hyun, you see, in the aftermath of the Japanese occupation of Korea which ended with Japan's defeat in World War II in 1945, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel north in accordance with a United Nations arrangement, to be administered by the Soviet Union in the north and the United States in the south." he explained to me. "Did you get all that, Hyun?"

I was kinda half-asleep the whole time so I only understood half of what he was telling me.

"Um, ya, totally."

"Don't 'ya' me, mister. Focus, or you'll never pass your exams in the Spring!" scolded the black haired man.

I groaned quietly under my breath. "Fine . . . Sorry, I'm just tired~"

"Sorry, you should've had a cup of coffee or something to help you stay up. Now, the Soviets and Americans were unable to agree on the implementation of Joint Trusteeship over Korea. This led in 1948 to the establishment of two separate governments, each claiming to be the legitimate government of all of Korea. Eventually, following the Korean War, the two separate governments stabilizedinto the existing political entities of North and South Korea . . ."

~2 hours later~

"And the . . . And the . . . And the subsequent history . . . went to bed . . . too tired . . ." mumbled Jumin as he began to doze off on top of his open textbook. He looked so cute and peaceful.

Black haired Tutor [Zumin]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora