Chapter 8

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"I SAID, ARE YOU THE ONE DATING JUMIN HAN?!" she screamed again, her index finger pointing exactly at my nose.

"Uh . . ." I stood there in utter shock and silence as her piercing dirt colored eyes stared at me the entire time. "I, uh, d-d-don't know what you're t-talking about, lady! Jumin Han isn't dating anyone- especially me! HE'S MY HISTORY TUTOR FOR PETE'S SAKE!!" I explained as my sweat dropped.

"Hmm," she grumbled as she cocked her eyebrow. "Good, 'cause Jumin Han is MINE." she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

WHAT?! No, he's not! If he was dating anyone, he'd notify me, right?! And besides, why would he date some weird bitch like her?!

I shook my head in denial and then said, "Look lady-"


"Yeah, whatever. Anyway, look, Jumin fucking Han isn't fucking dating anyone so please kindly shut the hell up and leave my dorm please before I call the man of the hour himself. Thank you~" And then I shut the door hard behind me.

Saeran was lightly clapping for me as he was also there at the entire scene, watching everything that was going on.

"S-Sae, you aren't creeped out or anything?" I ask hesitantly.

"Why would I be creeped out?"

"Uh, well, um, I don't know 'cause a girl was just in the BOYS' dormitaries and yelling at us- mainly me, but . . ."

"Just go wash up and head to bed like a good boy, alright?" Saeran said sarcastically as he began to nibble on a mint flavored lollipop.

"Ha-ha, okay. You better not stay up all night long watching weird conspiracies again, okay, Sae?" I chuckled as I grabbed my toiletries from my nightstand drawer.

Saeran nodded and began to watch them anyway. Tsk, tsk, tsk, he never will learn, will he?


I walked down the hallway and opened the bathroom door. Inside was someone who was in the shower. I shrugged it off quickly and began to take off my clothes as well. I got into the shower next to him and let my long sliver-white hair loose out of its low ponytail. After maybe 5 minutes or so, the person beside me got out of the shower and once I saw who it was, my face went bright red as Saeran's hair- maybe even brighter!

"J-J-JUMIN!!" I exclaimed through my covered up mouth. All I could see through the small cracks of the curtain was his wet black hair and a towel, but I knew it was him. I was fumbling with my bar of soap and it ended up on the tiles of the bathroom floor. I quickly picked it up, but ending up poking my head out of the curtain instead . . . looking at Jumin's ass. HOW STUPID AND CLUMSY CAN I GET?! SON OF A BITCH!!

Jumin glanced at the mirror in front of him, only his left eye open. He stared at me for a few moments and said, "You know, it's not very nice to spy on people. Especially if you're being a pervert while doing so."

My eyes rolled back into my skull and I regained my conscience a second later. "Um, I uh, dropped my bar of soap . . . Heh-heh . . . I didn't mean to look at your butt. I mean, it's a good looking gluteus maximus . . . ?" END MY SUFFERING. I'M DEAD.

Jumin just stared at me for a bit and then started to laugh. It was . . . cute.

"You know, I've never heard anyone say that my butt was good looking. Hyun, you do realize what's on the other side though, right?"

A wave of realization hits me almost immediately. I flush a bright red. "NO, NO, NO, NO!! I WASN'T TRYING TO GET INTO YOUR PANTS OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT, I, UH . . . LET ME CHANGE FIRST!!" I quickly turn off the water and change in the shower stall. As I step out wearing my pajamas, I lean against the sink.

"I wasn't trying to flirt with you or anything of the sort . . . I just, I was just trying to come up with casual banter?" I squeak as my cheeks redden.

"So, you casually say that other peoples' asses look nice? Is that what you're trying to say here?" smirked Jumin as he now was wearing boxers.

"N-no, that's not what I . . . Uh, so, how are you?" I ask as I cover my face up with my hand.

"I'm fine. But, you're not getting off that easily with that pervertish stunt you just pulled there, mister. I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson and also teach you some manners."

Jumin began to walk towards me and I stepped back until he pushed me against the wall. His face got about an inch away from mine as he said, "I'm gonna have to give you extra hard questions to prep you for that final exam." And then he smiled warmly at me after whispering into my ear.

What the actual hell.

"JUMIN!! NO!!" I whine as I wince back at Jumin. "Do anything but that~! You can even-"

"If you let me do anything I please, I guarantee you'll regret it. I don't know what I might do." Jumin said as he put his hand back beside his side. He then walked over to the counter where his clothes were placed in a neatly folded pile. Jumin got dressed as he then picked up a small bag of his toiletries.

"Jumin," I sigh.

"Excuse me, Hyun. I must return to my own dorm. Have a nice night, Hyun." was the last thing he told me before I was left alone in the bathroom.

Things just got super awkward for a moment there, didn't it?


When I came back to the dorm Saeran and I shared, I basically made myself fall onto my bed and just died there.

"What's up with you? Run into Prince Charming and got cock-blocked or something?" Saeran asked as he turned his head my direction.

"No . . . Things just got awkward in the bathroom . . . is all." I explained as I dumped my head into my pillow.

"What? Did you have sex in th-"

"NO! WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD I?! AND WITH JUMIN! PFFT, WHAT? WHY? IT'S NOT LIKE I WANT TO . . . have . . . You get the gist! Don't make me say it!" I exclaimed, my face burning with embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, I won't. Just calm down, Hyun." said Saeran with wide, but calming eyes.

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