Chapter 6

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I grabbed my jacket and then walked down the hallway to the bathrooms. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and then got dressed quickly going back to the dorm Sae and I shared. When I got back, the time was around 8:03, and Saeran had just woken up. He was rubbing his eyes as he adjusted to the small amount of light that was shining through the window. 

"Morning, sleepy head." I chuckled as I put my toiletries away in my drawer. "How'd you sleep last night, Sae?"

"Eh . . . It was the usual . . . I was up till maybe 11 on YouTube and just scrolling through Tumblr and stuff . . . Why do you ask? You don't normally do. Is something up?" he asked me as he scratched his messy red head.

"Actually, yes. I have some morning plans with someone~" I chimed as I smiled warmly at my dorm-mate. 

"Oh really? With who?" Saeran asked as he criss-crossed his legs. "WAIT. Don't tell me it's that Jumin dude!"

. . .

"Oh my god, it is . . ." he gasped as he face palmed in disappointment.

"I NEVER SAID THAT!!" I exclaimed as my voice cracked slightly.

"Well, who is it then?" Saeran asked as he cocked an eyebrow.

"Jumin . . ." I replied in a low embarrassed voice as I glanced over at my phone that was sitting on my nightstand. 

"No, really? I never would've guessed him at all~" Saeran said in a sarcastic tone.

I spit my tongue out at him playfully and then grabbed my phone. Before I left the room, Saeran asked me, "When are you gonna come back, Hyun?" 

"I'm not sure. But when I do, I'll let you know." I winked and then left.


Coffee Shop

When I arrived at the coffee shop, Jumin hadn't arrived yet. It was 9:58 so he had some time. A few moments later, I saw him running up to me.

"H-Hyun!" he huffed as he caught his breath.

He was wearing his usual blue glasses, a dark purple sweater, and a black overcoat. He had on black jeans and matching business shoes.

"Hey Jumin, uh, you didn't need to run here. It's like a 15-20 walk. Besides, you had some time." I explained as I scratched the back of my head. I slightly readjusted my ponytail while doing so.

"I like being punctual, you see . . ." Jumin said as he readjusted his glasses.

"Oh, of course. Well, how about we head inside and order some coffee?" I suggested before opening the door to the coffee shop.

We got a table by the window after ordering some drinks. I got a mocha with some vanilla creamer while Jumin just got an expresso.

"So, how are classes going?" I asked him nonchalantly.

"Fine, let's not talk about me. I'm as boring as watching paint dry, ha-ha." chuckled Jumin as he gave me a quick and small smile.

"I'm sure you're not that boring. What are your interests?"

"Well, I like cats, symmetrical patterns, and striped patterns." sighed Jumin as he scratched the side of his head with his index finger. "Quite boring, right?"

"No, not at all!" I exclaimed as I shook my hand in front of Jumin. Well, maybe the cat part . . .

"Well, what are your interests? I'd like to get to know you better . . ." said Jumin in a shy tone.

"M-my interests? Well, I like-"

"Order for Jumin Han and Hyun Ryu?" A barista said as she cut me off. Whew . . . Thank you barista.

"Excuse me as I get our drinks." Jumin smiled as he got up.

He walked to the counter and got our drinks. Jumin then came back a second later and handed me my mocha.

"Thank you, Jumin." I smiled as I stirred the creamer and coffee together. Jumin just nodded and took a sip of his expresso.

"So, about your interests?" he asked me.

My voice cracked and I stared at him wide eyed. "My interests . . . Heh-heh-heh-heh, uh, I like the musical arts . . . ?" I squeaked as my sweat dropped.

"The musical arts? That sounds interesting." smiled Jumin as he continued to drink his expresso.

"Really? Thanks . . ." I replied as a soft shade of red crawled onto my cheeks.

"If you wanted to, do you want to listen to some them . . . together some time?" Jumin asked me as he figdeted with his cup.

"Uh, s-sure . . . Sounds awesome!" I said as the light blush reddened.

As I left the coffee shop, and we made our separate ways, I called Saeran.

. . . he picked up.


"You coming back?"

"Yeah . . ."

"Kay. See you soon then." Saeran said as he hung up quickly.


I walked into my dorm and closed the door behind me. Saeran was on his bed as he tapped away on his phone.

"Hey gay-ass," Saeran said bluntly as he continued tapping on his phone.

"Excuse me? What the hell did you just call me?"

"What? It's what you are~ so, how did your date with Jumin go?"

"I-it wasn't a d-date!" I exclaimed as my voice cracked once again.

"Okay . . . How did your 'not date' with Jumin go?"

"It went fine. We talked about what we liked over some coffee. Nothing more, nothing less." I explained as my took off my jacket, revealing my brown long-sleeved shirt.

"Really? Awe, so that means you didn't get any ass?" teased Saeran as he put his phone back.

"S-SAE!! I don't even know his sexuality . . . Q-q-quit assuming t-things, would you?" I exclaimed as my face went bright red.

"Hyun . . . your family doesn't even know your sexuality. They still think you're straight. Have you not come out to them yet?"

"Saeran, don't bring up my family. I've always been gay . . . I've never swung any other way . . . Sure, I've flirted with a few girls, but I've never dated any of them. Besides, I'm pretty sure my family would kill me if I ever came out of the closet . . ."

"Dude, you did nothing wrong . . ." said Saeran, trying to comfort me. "Look, the important thing is: if Jumin is gay, he's gay. If he's not, he's not."

"He's mentioned that he used to have feelings for Rika . . ." I sighed.

"That bitch?! Well, he could be bi . . . Or even pan!" exclaimed Saeran.

"I don't know, Sae . . . I don't know . . ." I mumbled under my breath. "I'm fucked . . . aren't I?"

"Probably . . . Can it be done by Jumin?" smirked Saeran.

"S-SAE!!" I cried as my face went red and my voice cracking yet again.

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