Chapter 2

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It was 2:37 in the damn morning. I laid in bed as I stared at the blank ceiling. The only sounds that could be heard were the soft chirps of crickets outside the school walls, and Saeran's snoring. While my best friend was fast asleep, I, on the other hand, was not.

I couldn't stop thinking about what this Jumin guy would look and act like. Saeran described him as this sort of nerd, so I pictured him with braces and glasses. No . . . that would just be stereotyping him. For all I knew, he could be this tall buff guy with an 8-pack. All of these imaginations of Jumin kept popping into my head.

What if I actually did fall in love with this guy? Oh . . . no . . . I couldn't. It's basically like he's a student teacher or something since he's so much older than me . . . and everyone knows that student teachers and students can't be in a romantic relationship. Just go to sleep, Hyun. Dream of musical sheep or something. Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep god dammit . . . and I was out like a light.


That was the first thing I heard to start my day. I threw my pillow at the alarm clock that sat on my bedside table. The pillow ended up shutting up the alarm clock, but it also ended up hitting Saeran in the face . . . and let me tell you, Saeran is NOT a morning person.

"Hmph . . ." grunted Saeran. He gave me the death stare as his eyes glinted evilly.

"S-Sae . . . ?" I squeaked. Saeran then quickly threw my pillow back at me and it hit my face. "O-ow . . ." Saeran then snickered under his breath as he got out of bed.


The end of the day came faster then I had expected. Then again, I took morning classes, so my day ended at 12:00 exactly. After lunch was when I was going to meet Jumin. I met up with Sae at the cafeteria, and we sat down in a corner table.

"So, do you think this Jumin guy is mean?" I asked him.

"I don't know to be honest . . . I just heard about him and how much of a smart-ass he is. I heard he's the son if a chairman at C&R Internationals. But, that's just a rumor to me." said Saeran as he took a bite out of the pork cutlet on his plate. "Ew, this pork cutlet tastes like crap . . . This cafeteria food is so disgusting."

"That's because the only things you eat are candy and ice cream . . ." I said as I rolled my red-orange eyes.

"Now you can see why~" he sang as he waved the cheap pork cutlet piece back and forth in front of my face. "It's like biting into a piece of cat food. DISGUSTING."

"DON'T SAY THAT WORD." I hissed angrily.

"Disgusting?" He asked, tilting his head.

"C-A-T." I spelled out. I then shivered in horror.

"Oh, right, you're allergic . . ." said Saeran. I nodded.

"Well, lunch is about to end so I'd better get going,"

Saeran nodded and let me be excused. I threw the tray of cheap cafeteria food away and walked to the library to meet up with Jumin.

I'm sure he's nice . . . right? But he's getting his master's degree this year, so he must be a genius . . . If I get even one problem wrong, I bet he's going to kill me. It's bad enough that I'm failing history, I don't need some older dude kicking my ass because I'm stupid.

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