Chapter 7(07 lolol)

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I felt something wet meet the crook of my neck. It starting moving around all of a sudden. When I opened my eyes, I saw Jumin without his glasses on . . . on top of me. When my eyes traveled to look at my neck, I saw Jumin sucking on it with his tongue. I bit my own lip and flushed a deep red.

'Ahh! This is so not happening!' I thought to myself as I closed my eyes shut. I wasn't going to look at a seductive Jumin . . . Nope, not today, Hyun . . . But then, I looked. He looked up at me and just smirked as he let out a soft sadistic chuckle. He suddenly stopped sucking on my neck and instead decided to smash my lips instead. I mean, not that I'm complaining . . . He licked the bottom of my lips for permission to enter my mouth, but I decided to tease him and not budge. His cold eyes wandered over to my own pair of crimson ones and he licked my bottom lip once more. I let his tongue inside my mouth this time, and then our tongues wrestled for dominance.

When we stopped kissing to take a breath, he said, "Hyun, what's x?"

"What?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow.

"What is x?" he asked me again.

"HYUN!" I heard someone yell.

"Huh?" I said drowsily as I raised my head off of my desk. I was in math class and was . . . drooling.

"Fell asleep again, I see? Well, since you think my class is such a bore, let's see how boring you think staying after class to clean the desks are." she glared at me as she put her hand on her waist.

"S-sorry, Mrs. Seoung . . ." I cooed as I let out a sigh. I heard a bunch of soft snickering and laughter from all around the room.

She sighed in disappointment before releasing us for the day. "Alright students, we will review the chapter tomorrow before the exam comes in 2 weeks. Have a good night."

But I have a tutoring session with Jumin in a few minutes! Maybe if I tell her that, I can clean the desks on the weekend?

"Um, excuse me, Mrs. Seoung?"

"What is it, Mr. Ryu?"

"I, uh, I have a tutoring session with Jumin Han right now as we speak, so may I be excused please?"

"A tutoring session, eh? Is it training for you to not fall asleep in class?"

"N-no . . . It's for History . . ." I managed to mumble out.

"I'm surprised you're not taking tutoring lessons for every subject . . ." she sighed under her breath. "Your future is walking on thin ice right now, Hyun. If you don't get your act together this year, you could end up as a hobo begging on the streets, and I don't want that for you. I want you, just like any of my students, to become a successful person in your future once you're out of SKY University; not some dumb hobo living in an alleyway in the busy streets of South Korea. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

She looked at me with worried eyes and I nodded. "Yes, yes I do, Mrs. Seoung."

"Good. I don't want you to miss out on any opportunity to study, but you do need to be punished for your actions. You and your tutor can use my room for today, but you will need to clean the bottoms of the desks. Okay?"

"Okay," I nodded as she took her bag and left the classroom.

"Good night, Hyun." said Mrs. Seuong.


I took out my phone and called Jumin.

. . . he picked up.

"Hey Jumin, how are you? Well, that's great, but, we need to change stations for today. I got in a bit of trouble today with my professor . . ."

"Hm, okay, uh, what room and what building?" he said.

"Uh, Building 4, Room 707." (A/n: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

"Got it. I'll be there in a few minutes." he replied and then hung up.

Just like Jumin said, he came within a few minutes; six to be exact.

"Hello Hyun, how are you today?" Jumin said as he walked into the classroom.

"Fine, I guess . . . Sorry about the sudden change of locations. I swear it's a one-time thing." I assured him as I began to take the gum off of the desks.

"Is your punishment cleaning the desks or something?" Jumin asked me innocently as I saw him take out his books.

"Yup . . . fell asleep in class . . . again." I murmured as I continued to pick the gum off.

"Want me to help you?"

"What? N-no, it's okay. This is my punishment. You can just start the session." I smiled back at him.

"Alright, but let's end this one a bit early. I don't want you getting in trouble with your professor tomorrow." he said he he sat up on a desk.


About only an hour later, we finished the tutoring session and Jumin helped me with the gum situation. He took the right side of the room, and I took the left.

"Um, thanks for helping me with this crap . . . You really didn't need to though, Jumin." I said as as I took the last piece of gum off of the desk. Jumin finished as well and looked over at me.

"It's really nothing. I'd do anything for the person I really care about." Jumin smiled as he got up from the floor. I smiled warmly at his response as we walked out of the classroom.


"See you tomorrow at our regular station?" I asked him as I opened my door.

"Correct. I'll see you there, Hyun~" hummed Jumin as he turned to the other direction.

I smiled and closed the door after entering. When I came in, Saeran sat up on his bed with his arms crossed.

"Saeran? Why do you always seem to do this whenever I come back with Jumin?" I asked him with a small smirk.

"Isn't it so beautiful?"

"What is-"

"Your ever-so slowly growing love for him."

"Um . . ." My sweat dropped.

"Hyun, why do you like him so much?"

"Well, he's kind, sweet, generous, sensitive, a go-getter, and a hardworking guy . . . and I think he might like me back . . ." I sighed as I thought of Jumin's precious smile. Then my mind suddenly went back to that dream I had eariler. My face went full on red.

"Hyun, you okay, pal?"

"YES." I exclaim as I cover my face with both of my hands.

"Okay... well, anyway, Hyun, you're lovesick for like, what a 30-year old?"

"He's 27." I retorted bluntly.

"Didn't I say that?"

"No . . ." I glared back.

"Anyway, have you even thought about your future? Or, would you perfer a future with Jumin? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink." teased Saeran in a momotone voice.

"Um . . . I . . ." I mumbled as I fiddled with my thumbs.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. When I went to open it up, a woman with magenta colored hair stood there with a purple top on, and a fancy looking bag over her shoulder.

"Can I help you?"

"ARE YOU THE ONE DATING JUMIN HAN?!" she exclaimed furiously.

"W-what?!" I shrieked as I eyes went wide. WHO IN THE HELL WAS THIS PSYCHO?! I thought to myself.

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