Chapter 12

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Jumin had pinned me down onto his bed, his hands locking mine against his bedsheets.

"J-Jumin!! We c-can't do this here and now!" I exclaimed as my face went full on red.

Jumin just looked at me for a few seconds until he finally got off of me. He was now sitting on the edge of his bed.

"You're right; this is inappropriate. I was just bluffing about the whole "sex" thing anyway. Besides, exams are coming up in two days, and I wouldn't want your mind traveling elsewhere, now would we?" chuckled Jumin as he turned to me . . . with a smile.

. . .


"No! I never said that . . . I said I was bluffing about the sex thing . . . not my feelings for you . . ." sighed Jumin as he tried to hide his blush underneath his hand.

"Jumin . . . I . . ."

"Now, let's get back to studying, shall we?" said Jumin as he walked over to his desk.

"Um, yeah . . ." I sighed.

I wonder what would've happened if we didn't study though . . .


Sunday Morning

I woke up to the sight of Jumin next to me, still sleeping. We were still at the desk, so I'm guessing we did another all nighter . . . I stretched out my muscles and then yawned. I decided to leave Jumin to sleep a bit longer. I mean, he still has exams as well, but he never got the chance to study cause he was too busy helping me . . . I decided to go to the kitchen to give him a surprise.

It was still pretty early in the morning, 9:37 a.m., and since it was a Sunday, no one would be in the kitchen. I walked to the cafeteria (good thing it was pretty close) and carefully slipped into the kitchen. I quietly made some pancakes for Jumin while I was there.

Once I came back into the dorm, Jumin was still asleep. Thank God, too. Actually, I was kinda surprised . . . I mean, it was already past 10 in the morning, and he was still sleeping. At his desk. Then again, all nighters can suck the energy out of you like that.

I set the tray full of pancakes and orange juice on the nightstand and went on my phone to check to see if I had gotten any messages. I had gotten nothing overnight, so I just decided to turn it off. I heard Jumin smell the pancakes and he soon then woke up.

"I smell . . . pancakes? And . . . orange juice?" Jumin said as he got up from his desk. He scratched his eye and put on his glasses so he could see. "Huh? Hyun, what is all of this?"

"Breakfast," I shrugged as I gestured to the tray that was sitting on Jumin's nightstand.

"Did you make this from scratch? And from the school's kitchen?"

I nodded.

"Hyun, this looks great but, this isn't illegal . . . right?"

"I don't know, and I don't give two fucks."

"You'd give many fucks about me, wouldn't you?" smirked the tired college student.

"S-shut up." I blurted out quickly.

"Ha ha, well, thank you for the breakfast, honey." smiled Jumin as he kissed my forehead.

Black haired Tutor [Zumin]Where stories live. Discover now