Chapter 3

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FIRST OF ALL, I am like so sorry for not updating for like what... a month?? HOLY QUIZNAK. I just haven't had a lot of ideas and I was like "Okay, right after I finish this, I'll update my Wattpad!" And when I finished (said activity), I either forgot or  was too lazy.... Hey... better late than never, right?? No.... just me? Okay...

"Hey dork, wake up!" I heard a voice yell followed by me getting hurt by a pillow. It was Saeran.

I turned around creepily and just flat-out stared at him for about 15 seconds straight. I hadn't gotten any sleep the night before and I had really dark bags under my eyes. I felt like a total mess . . . Saeran looked scared, and he sort of shivered when I turned to him.

"Nope, never-mind . . ." he managed to mumble. "Dude, did you even get any sleep last night?"

I avoided his question and got out of bed after neatly making it. I quickly shuffled to the bathroom to get ready for the day and then got dressed. I was wearing a navy blue long sleeve shirt and black jeans, along with my normal pair of black shoes. When I came back into the room, Saeran was staring at me like he was trying to solve pi.

"What are you staring at?"

"Dude . . . why are you getting ready? It's a Saturday you dumb-ass. What, do you have a date with someone or something?" teased Saeran as he playfully elbowed me.

"Today's Sat . . . ur . . . day . . . ?" I squeaked as my eyes went wide.

"No, it's national bucket day . . . OF COURSE IT'S SATURDAY. We don't have classes on the weekend. Dude, I love you and all, no homo, but you're a total idiot right now."

"Today's Saturday . . . Okay . . . Whew . . . If it were a school day, I'd have to go see that stupid trust fund kid again . . ." I sighed in relief as I wiped the sweat off of my forehead.

"Hey, are you okay . . . ? Did you get any sleep last night?" Saeran asked me once more.

"Sleep? No, I didn't . . ." I shook my head slowly. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, you looked like a zombie earlier . . ."

And there's the truth that hits you right in the ass. "I looked like a z-zombie?"

"Yeah, must've been those dark circles of yours . . . Hey, why were you up all night yesterday anyway? Did you have to study for an upcoming exam or something?" my best friend asked me.

"Oh, um . . ." My sweat began to drop once more.

Last Night . . .

'Jumin Han kissed you. Jumin Han kissed you. Jumin Han kissed you. Jumin Han kissed you.
Jumin Han kissed you. Jumin Han kissed you. Jumin Han kissed you. Jumin Han fucking kissed you. What the hell.'

"No, no, no, no, no. Hyun, that stupid tutoring session was all just a terrible nightmare, and you are going to wake up any minute now . . . Any minute . . ."

. . .

. . .

. . .

"Any . . . minute . . . now . . ."

. . .

"Fuck life." I whispered into my pillow. "It wasn't a dream . . . But, I know I'm not gay for some rich asshole . . ."

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