Chapter 13

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The clock was ticking as I was sitting in a classroom full of students as we were all taking the final exams of the year. It was so nerveracking and . . . I shivered. I only had a couple questions left and they were on Korean history.

Question 67: Who was the first king of Korea, and what years did they reign?

I stared at it for a moment before remembering back to our all nighters. We never went over the first king . . .


"Okay, answer this one: Who was the first king of Korea?" smirked Jumin as he adjusted his glasses.

It took a couple of seconds, but it eventually clicked in my brain. "The first king of Korea was Yi Seong-gye, whose name changed to Yi Dan. He reigned the Joseon Dynasty from 1392 to 1398."

"Wow, I'm impressed. Well, I guess I have to give you your treat, don't I?" said Jumin as he got up from his seat.

"What is it? A lollipop or something? Why are you getting out of your seat?" I asked, a bit terrified.

Jumin bent down slightly and landed his lips onto mine.


I flushed slightly and shook my head. No Hyun, don't get distracted. Now, the answer . . . The answer . . . It's Yi Seong-gye!! I wrote down his name (and changed name) and the years he reigned from.

After finishing up the last few questions, I was finished. I set down my pencil and gave the packet to the professor. I then walked outside shakily as I gave out my last breath.

"I'M DONE." I spat out. "I'm done! I'm done, I'm done, I'm done!! All I need to do now is wait!" I whispered to myself happily.

I walked to my dorm to just relax/become a total anxious mess over my exit exam. If I didn't pass this, I wouldn't graduate!! I had already had enough credits to pass and the right classes, all I needed was to pass the freaking exam and then I was free!! Free . . . maybe with Jumin by my side . . . I flushed at the thought of it and dumped my face into my pillow. Sae didn't seem to be back from his exam yet, so I decided to see if Jumin was. I walked over to his dorm and knocked on the door.

"Hm? Oh, good afternoon, Hyun. How may I be of service to you?" Jumin smiled at me as he answered the door.

"Well, I just finished my exit exam, and I was wondering if you'd want to hang out with me for a while? I'm kinda bored right now . . ."

"Of course, just let me get my coat,"


Jumin and I just walked around campus as we bantered along.

"So, what about your exit exam?" I asked Jumin.

"I finished it not too long before you knocked on my door. About 10 minutes or so?" was his answer.

Jumin answered in such a calm matter to about everything, I found it so . . . cool.


"Yes Jumin?"

"I've made my decision. Once school is over, I want you to officially become my significant other."

I stopped dead in my tracks. "W-W-WHAT?! Are you s-serious?!"

"Why, of course I am. Why wouldn't I be? Eversince we shared our first kiss together on our first session, I . . . might've fell for you. But as time went on, I found out more about you and more sides to you. I've found out that you can be very chill, but then anxious in the next moment. Also, that you can be a flustered mess easily even when I just call you, honey~." chuckled Jumin softly as he whispered into my ear seductively.

"J-Jumin," I flushed softly and pushed him away. "Quit teasing me . . ."

"Oh, I can do so much more teasing with you~"

"YOU'RE DOING IT AGAIN!!" I laughed out as I playfully punched him in the chest.

Jumin then began to make noises that sounded like he was having a heart attack.

"Jumin! Are you having a heart attack?! Oh no . . . this isn't like Death Note where you did of a heart attack within 40 seconds, right?!" I was freaking out.

"No, my heart just hurts so much because of you. You've stolen it, and I can't seem to retrieve it."

. . . Smooth moves, Han. Smooth moves . . .


About 2 weeks had passed and it was the last week of University. The results had come in and when I recieved mine, I started crying.

A/n: Sorry for making this chapter way shorter than the other ones!! I think the next chapter will he the last one?? Idk, I was thinking about writing it again, but in Jumin's POV??? Or, is that TOO EXTRA? Leave you thoughts??? Idk man . . . Anyway, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope you have a lovely night/day!

Black haired Tutor [Zumin]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora