Chapter 9

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There was a knock at my door . . . again. And at like 2 am in the morning nonetheless! It better not be that weird "Sarah" bitch from the other day, or I swear I was gonna-

"Jumin?" I said as I answered the door. He was wearing a white undershirt, a loose black tie, grey sweatpants, and his socks.

"Huh? Oh, yes, Hyun. You weren't picking up your phone so I assumed you were upset with me or something. That isn't it, right?" the black haired man asked me as he scratched the nape of his neck. 

"Why would I be mad at you? You're like the nicest, most beau-"

"What was that last part?"

"Bee." I spat out, flustered as I felt my face get a bit warm.

"Bee?" Jumin repeated, tilting his head in confusion.

"Yep. I just . . . like how aesthetic bees are . . . and all of the hard work they put into making honey . . . Yeah . . ." I fibbed as the sweat on my back dropped. I can feel the sins crawling down my skin, holy crap.

"Okay . . . ?" he responded.

Shit. He probably thinks that honey and bees are like my weird fetish or something now. "UM, so why are you here?"

"Oh, that's right. I came here to apologize for my actions earlier in the bathroom . . . I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

"Jumin, you . . . It's alright. You didn't do anything wrong . . . You didn't make me feel uncomfortable,"

"That's a relief-" sighed Jumin.

"-that much." I finished, scratching the side of my head with my index finger. 

Jumin stood there frozen with wide eyes. . . . Yeah, things got awkward . . . again. Shitsticks. Okay, think Hyun. Repress it? Yup. 

"Hey, do you want to, like, walk around campus?"

"No. It's the middle of the night. Students aren't allowed to step out of their dorms past midnight." explained Jumin as he readjusted his tie.

"Then, why are you out here?" I asked Jumin in a suspicious tone.

"No one ever said that you couldn't sneak out though," winked Jumin as he whispered quietly into my ear.

"I think you found your loop hole, huh?" I smirked back.

"Of course,"

"Want to come in my dorm instead, then? I'm sure Saeran won't mind." I looked back at Saeran, who was on his phone still . . . He was most likely reading shitposts and conspiracy theories. Saeran just waved his hand carelessly at me without taking his gaze off of his smartphone. "It's fine, Jumin." I smiled at him.

"Okay, then." replied the 27-year old male as he shrugged his shoulders and came into my shared dorm.

He sat down on my bed and I offered him a water bottle. "Want one?"

"No thank you. I'm quite alright." smiled Jumin warmly as he refused politely. I swear to glob, he's so adorable. I grabbed a water bottle for myself and sat down at my desk that was beside my bed. 

"Hey Hyun, if you guys want some privacy, should I just go to Saeyoung's dorm for the night? I can just annoy him for the night." Saeran said bluntly, and as he said that, I felt my face go red.

"N-N-NO!! It's fine! You can just stay here, Sae!" I insisted as I lost my cool.

"Why? Is something the matter, Hyun? Your face is bright red. Do you have a fever?" Jumin asked me as he placed the back of his hand on my forehead.

"NOPE! I mean . . . n-nothing is the matter, Jumin. Saeran was just being weird because of his conspiracy theories isn't that right, Saeran?" I glared as I continued to flush a shade of red.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Continue with your sleepover thing, or whatever." replied Saeran as he returned his attention to his phone screen.

"Was there something in particular you wanted to do tonight, Jumin?" I asked him.

"Hmm, aside from hanging out with you, what about helping you for that big exam at the end of the semester?" Jumin asked me with an innocent look plastered on his face. 


"Um, yeah. That sounds great!" I sighed as I smiled warmly at Jumin.

"I'm sure Hyun wants to do something else tonight actually, Jumin." Saeran commented as he snickered under his breath.

"SAERAN CHOI!!" I exclaimed as my face went bright red.

I heard Jumin chuckling behind me as well.

"J-Jumin, not you too!" 

"My sincerest apologies, Hyun, but seeing you embarrassed and flushing is a bit cute." chuckled the coal haired man.

"C-cute . . ." I repeated under my breath. Hyun, this is the only time Jumin is probably going to be in YOUR room, so make the best of it. "Jumin, do you want to play a game?"

"Oh? What game did you have in mind?"

"T-truth or dare . . ." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you, Hyun."

"Truth or dare!" I spat out as my face went red once more.

"Sure, sounds fun. Besides, we could kill some time right now. But, I really want to help you study for that final exam~" sighed Jumin.

"Okay, how about we play the game after we study? Does that sound like a plan to you, JuJu?" I asked as I smiled at him.

Jumin flushed a light pink as Saeran began bursting out in laughter.

"What? What's so funny, Mr. Edge Lord?" I asked Saeran.

"You called him, 'JuJu'." Saeran laughed out.

. . .

GAHHHH!!! I DID JUST CALL JUMIN 'JUJU'!!! WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?! WHY DID I SAY THAT?!?! "J-Jumin, I didn't mean to call you that! I was caught up in the heat of the moment, and it just slipped out, and I'M SO SORRY!!" I exclaimed as I apologized continuously for about 30 seconds.

"I-it's fine . . . I was just a bit surprised that you would be bold enough to give me a nickname . . . is all . . ." coughed Jumin.

"R-really?" I asked, my eyes becoming glossy.

"REALLY?!" Saeran burst out as he continued on laughing his ass off.

"Yes, if that is what you wish to call me, then please do. I don't mind." said Jumin in a calm manner. "Now, let's get to that studying."

"Um, right!" I replied quickly as my eyes darted from Saeran and Jumin for a few moments.


I woke up the next morning lying next to . . . AHHHH!!!! J-J-J-J-J-JUMIN!!!! He was lying next to me unconscious on MY bed. Did we? NO. I would've remembered that . . . Besides, he was wearing all of his clothes, and Saeran was here last night so why would we? Why would I even be thinking of a scenario like that in the first place?! NO! NO! NO! NO! BAD HYUN!! You shouldn't be thinking of s-sex with Jumin . . . I shook my head a bit in my position. When I looked ahead of me, I saw my textbook and papers around us. Huh, I guess we fell asleep while studying. Whew.

When I found my phone, it was on my nightstand. I tried my best to grab my phone without waking up Jumin. I turned it on and looked at the time: 8:45. 

. . .

FUCK. Class started in 15 minutes!! I had to wake up Jumin and Saeran so we could get to class before getting in trouble.

Black haired Tutor [Zumin]Where stories live. Discover now