Chapter 5

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Now before I start this chapter, I just want to say: Happy Birthday, Mystic Messenger! It's been an entire year, and I'm glad that I joined this fandom lololol. Well, now that's out of the way, I'll start the chapter. ^-^

Jumin and I slowly and peacefully walked back to the dorms. It was a quiet night and only the soft chirps of crickets could be heard; that and our footsteps. To be honest, I never would've thought that the trust fund kid and I would end up being friends . . . Sounds kinda cheesy and cliche, doesn't it? Maybe this was a sign that maybe we could be . . . I don't know like possibly end up as . . . totally hypothetically speaking of course that . . . Jumin Han and I could end up together?

. . .

"NO." I spat out.

"Pardon me, Hyun? Did you say something?" Jumin asked me as he turned around. He had a confused look plastered on his pale face.

I flushed in embarrassment and immediately covered my mouth. A muffled, 'N-nothing!' was all that escaped my lips.

"Oh, okay. I thought I heard you say something . . ." replied Jumin as he scratched the back of his neck.


Hyun and Saeran's Dorm

"Um . . . thanks for walking me to my dorm, Jumin. That wasn't really necessary, though. Even just the thought was enough, really . . ." I sighed nervously.

"It's no problem at all. I'm sure you would've done the same to me as well." smiled the 27-year old man. "Could we possibly hang out tomorrow?"

"Huh? Oh, tomorrow? S-sure . . . That sounds nice." I answered as I nodded my head.

"May I see your phone, Hyun?"

"My phone? Sure, why?" I asked as I handed Jumin my smartphone. I unlocked it for him and he started to tap away on it. After just a few moments, he gave it back to me.

"Here," he said with a smile.

"What did you do?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"You'll find out, soon enough." winked Jumin as he began tapping away on his own phone for a few seconds. "Have a nice night, Hyun!"

"You too . . . Have a nice . . . night~" I sighed as I leaned my head against the wall.

As I entered my shared dorm, Saeran was standing in the doorway, blocking my way to my bed.

"Can I help you . . . ?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow.

"Dude, what's with that pink stuff on your cheeks? Did you use make up or something?"

"Uh, pink stuff?" I touched my cheeks and it felt warmer than usual. Oh no . . . I was blushing. "AHHHH!!" I screamed as my eyes went wide.

"H-hyung? Are you okay?" Saeran asked me with concern.

"I'M FINE." I bellowed out as I held my head. Saeran gulped as his mint eyes went wide too. I wasn't looking where I was freaking out, and I ended up punching Saeran in the eye where he got hurt.

"ARGH!! HYUN, WHAT THE HELL??!! THAT'S THE PLACE WHERE RIKA HIT ME!!" Saeran exclaimed as he covered his right eye. "I knew I just should've just went to the doctor to get a bandage . . ." mumbled Saeran under his shaky breath.

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