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"good. now i know all their names by heart," jihee smiled proudly to herself. i scoffed. "just like that?"

"well duh! just by communication, you learn a lot of things. speaking of which, you were really quiet at the table. was it because taehyung kept looking at you?" jihee smirked.

red tints filled my cheeks as i looked at her, shaking my head quickly. "no way."

"i'm just messing with you. come on, we should get back to class," she said. "i'll meet you there. i'm just going to use the bathroom first."

she nodded her head. "alright. i'll see you."

we walked our separate ways as i went to the bathroom. but just as i turned the next corner, i ran into something hard, more like someone.

"oh, sorry! i didn't see where i--"

i stood frozen only to see taehyung standing right in front of me. he looked at me and smiled. "sorry. you okay?"

pursing my lips together, i nodded. i watched as he threw his hands into his pockets and stared at me.

"uh, well. see you in class," i quickly said and then made my way past him as i quickened my steps to the bathroom. i never saw him after that when i entered one of the bathroom stalls and let out a soft sigh. how embarrassing.

"bye miyeon go home safely," jihee waved as we stopped to go our own ways. "you too jihee!" i waved smiling at her. i watched first as she went ahead and walked her way and then slowly turned on my heels as i walked the opposite way. but after one of two blocks, i felt an eerie atmosphere. i swear footsteps could be heard behind me as i continued walking.

i stopped suddenly and turned around. "whoever's following me please st---"

frozen to my feet, i gasped softly.

right in front of me stood that taehyung guy again. he looked at me calmly as he threw his hands into his pocket before giving a smile.

"oh, fancy seeing you here," he said as he was now standing near me.

"you. why do you keep following me?" i asked curiously as i looked at him.

"me? following you? no way!"

i crossed my arms as i looked at him. "this so happens to be the way i walk home," i told him. he suddenly gasped as he brought a hand up to slightly cover his mouth.

"same for me. where do you live?" he asked excitedly.

i watched him closely. "i'm not telling you."

he pouted suddenly. "why not?"


"go on?"

"doesn't matter," i sighed, "i got to go anyways. bye. you better stop following me."

"hey, wait," he suddenly said as he grabbed a hold of my wrist. slightly taken aback, i looked at him flustered.

"am i... annoying you, or bothering you? or is it you just don't like me?" he asked as he slowly pulled his hand away. his eyes shyly looked at me, but innocently.

i stood there just staring at him and trying to figure out what he was doing. but i cautiously replied back.

"no.. it's not that at all. it's just... i'm not really good when it comes to talking to new people."

he made an 'o' shape with his mouth slightly as he looked at me. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to make it awkward."

"no, it's okay," i said softly. i tried giving a friendly smile at him causing him to smile back.

"please, let me walk you to your house," he suddenly.

i'm sorry, but anything can happen.

"i mean, i'm assuming we're going the same way, am i right?" he added at the end.

"yeah, i guess so," i said looking at him as i held the straps of my backpack.

"so is that a yes?"

i laughed a little at his excited reaction and then nodded.

we walked together all the way to my house. eventually, he found out where i was living. and another thing i found out was that we were only 6 houses away from each other. who would have known it would be him to take that house that's been up for sale some months now.

"we need to become best friends," taehyung suddenly said as he smiled at me.

"alright, then lets become best friends," i said to him.

"yes, i'm serious."

he smiled widely once more. "alright! i shall see you tomorrow in the morning then. have a good evening," he waved.

"you too," i said, chuckling.

"go on in first."
"mm, alright. bye, taehyung."

i turn around on my heels as i walked to the front door of my house and unlock it. i gave one more wave to him before closing the door.

"miyeon-ah, come eat. i made kimchi soup," i hear my mom call out. ah, yes!

i saw 'pirates of the caribbean: dead man tell no tales'. it was pretty good ((:
how was everyone's day?

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