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sometimes, i forget to tell myself how much i hate walking. there were so many bugs everywhere. even though it was hot, i still wore skinny jeans that clung to my legs and a baseball-T.

"you okay?" taehyung asked as he turned back to check up on me here and there.

"oh yeah. perfect. i'm totally not dying of bug bites," i said as i walked carefully over rocks.

"that would explain the long sleeve shirt and skinny jeans you're wearing right now," he chuckled as he carefully walking over some rocks.

there were many trees that surrounded us. but their leaves were slightly dried up. most of them had fallen to the ground and just shriveled up. up ahead, we came upon a small creek. it was not too wide to cross, but still.

i watched as taehyung was slowly carefully placing his feet on top of the dry rocks that stayed above the flow of the current.

"yah, lets just go the other way," i told him. but he kept stepping on one rock after the other. then he stopped midway as he turned to look at me.

"it's not that bad. come on. we can find more things on the other side," he exclaimed.

"and if i fall?"

"you won't. trust me. just keep your balance," he said as he turned around again and walked on top of the remaining rocks.

i bit my lip as i looked at the current of the creek and the rocks that stayed there.

why is it that i'm always left with a choice to make?

i sighed and made sure i held my journal tightly. i took my first step on the first rock and slowly brought my other feet onto the bigger rock in front of me.

"you got it," taehyung as he watched me. i glared slightly at him but then focused back onto the rocks in front of me. one rock, and then another, and then another, all slightly aligned with each other. then it finally came down to the last rock in front of me.

i watched as taehyung held out his hand towards me.

"jump, and take my hand," he said as he watched me.

"i can't jump," i said slightly nervous.

"you can. trust me."

i bit my bottom lip slightly before taking one look at the rock that dared to challenge me.

not today, you little rock.

i leaped my foot out forward onto the rock and was about to reached to the ground when suddenly my foot slipped. everything was happening so fast that i let out a small scream.

but i felt a force greater when a hand grabbed my own and jerked me back. it was then when i suddenly fell on top of taehyung and landed onto the ground with a small 'oof'.

"ow," i softly said. below me, taehyung let out a groan as he laid passed out on the ground.

"oh, my-"

i pushed myself up and away from him seeing how close we were.

"s-sorry!" i blurted as i helped him up.

he took my hand as i help pulled him up despite the pain in my tummy.

"i think a rock jabbed me on my back," he pouted slightly as he rubbed his lower back. my face flushed red in embarrassment.

"i told you we should have just went the other way," i said as i looked at him. "where does it hurt?" i asked.

pouting like a small child, he turned his back to me and showed where his back hurt the most. his hand was slightly placed over it, so i placed my hand over the pained area and slightly massaged it.

"ow, ow, ow!" he whined.

"calm down, and be still," i told him seriously. i massaged the lower area of his back slightly. my hand slowly got tired later, so i stopped.

"put some ice on it later. you might get a bruise," i told him.

"what are you? a witch?" he asked slightly massaging the pained area on his back.

"no. my mother would do that to me when i was young. i fell while playing on the play ground and she would do that to me," i explained to him. i looked at my journal that was on the ground, so i reached for it and picked it up before looking back at taehyung's eyes.

"thank you.. for catching me," i said shyly.

he only smiled at me. "i told you you could trust me," he grinned. "and thanks..."

i have a nod of me head. "i suppose we should keep walking and get the project done," i told him. i walked passed him before hearing him speak.

"after you."

imagine just being close to taehyung like that.
fun fact: taehyung was my very first bias when i came to know BTS.

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