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on the day of the camping trip*

i had brought one small suitcase with me just enough to fit all the mandatory things i needed for the trip. that included toothbrush, toothpaste, a hairbrush, some clothes, extra undies/bras, extra pair of jandals, and other things.

all the students that had signed up for this camping trip were already waiting early in the morning in front of the school where the buses would come through.

as i rolled my suitcase along with me, i looked around for jihee but couldn't find her. instead, i ended up finding seokjin and yoongi who stood on the sidelines. awkwardly, i made my way over to them as seokjin happily greeted me.

"oh, so you're on the trip too?" seokjin asked smiling at me.

"yeah, jihee kind of made me."

"same with taehyung. he pleaded for us to go with him, although i just wanted to go to school and sleep," yoongi said before giving a small yawn.

"he made all of you go?" i asked.

seokjin and yoongi gave a nod of their heads. just then, hoseok, jeongguk, and namjoon appeared at the bus site.

"ah, it's so early," namjoon tiredly said.

i couldn't help but smile seeing the tired guys just waiting around. poor them, my heart aches.

"is jihee not here?" jeongguk asked with a soft and tired voice.

"mm, well, i haven't seen her yet," i said while looking around.

i looked in all directions finally giving up before a voice called out. "miyeon-ah!"

instantly, our heads turned to see a struggljng jihee who brought one big suitcase along with a duffel bag laid on top of it.

"geez, what did you bring?" i asked looking at her.

"everything that we need," she said as she came to a stop in front of us.

"are you carrying a person or something?" namjoon asked, suddenly curious of what was inside the suitcase.

"no, i am not carrying a person," she said.

"tch," yoongi muttered.

everyone was here except jimin and taehyung. which made me wonder...

"so are jimin and taehyung usually the late ones? or...?" i asked them.

"it's usually jimin who's the late one. i seriously don't know why though," hoseok said as he slightly shook his head.

"speaking of the late ones, look who's here," jeongguk grinned as the boys' heads turned to one direction.

jihee and i turned our heads in the direction they looked at to see the two 95' liners walking their way towards us. suddenly for some reason, it made my heart tingle watching the way taehyung was walking towards us. he seemed comfortably dressed along with an almost tired looking jimin.

i tried my best not to show much expression when finally they stopped in front of us.

"we're here. hope we're not late," taehyung said smiling ever so pleasantly.

"just in time actually. i think we're about to board the buses," seokjin said.

in the distance, we could hear the engines of the buses rolling our way before parking to a complete stop.

the three adult supervisions, ms. yun, mr. goo, and mrs. rim, called up roll from their classes.

"alright, to keep this short and simple, everyone please board the buses one by one. if you have a heavy luggage, you may place them under the bus in that way we don't feel too crowded inside, okay?" ms. yun announced to us.

"yes, ms. yun!" we all said in union.

"alright, lets go, go, go!"

jihee and i went ahead to put up our luggage in the spaces under the bus along with other people who also brought luggages.

"lets sit with each other," jihee said as we quickly went to enter the bus.

but by the time we got up inside, a few of the seats were already filled up. suddenly, jimin came by from the back of the bus and grabbed jihee by the wrist.

"jihee, sit with me," jimin said pulling her along with no hesitation.

"what?" jihee and i said at the same time.

i was about to go after her until someone had grabbed my arm and pulled me down to the chair next to them. to my surprise, i turn my head to see taehyung who looked at me and then smiled.

"don't worry. jimin will take care of jihee."

i glared him slightly and tried standing up to get out and go after jihee but taehyung held onto my hand suddenly and pulled me down once more. i blushed lightly before looking at him.

"yah," i softly began to say.

but before taehyung could say anything to me, ms. yun entered the bus.

"is everyone seated? good. seatbelts everyone! the ride is about 2 hours. if anyone needs to use the bathrooms, they're located at the back of the bus," she announced.

oh great. 2 hours sitting next to taehyung.

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