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"aCK! finally, it's happened! my best friend is finally growing up," jihee cheered excitedly.

"shush! you might as well tell the whole camp," i said giving her a stern look.

"oh, gOOD idEA! let me do that right now," she said as she started to get up to leave the tent.

but i grabbed at her leg and tackled her down. "no. you will most definitely not jihee. i want to keep this.. lowkey. i don't want his fangirls at school finding out."

jihee tried freeing herself, which she successfully did, as she looked at me with a questionable face.

"fangirls? don't they all have fangirls?"
"yes, which is exactly why no one must know. i'm telling you this because you're my best friend and i trust you."

"aW, stop miyeon. you're going to make me cry," jihee said as she started fake-crying.

i gave a roll of my eyes letting out a small chuckle. "i'm tired so i'm going to go ahead and go to sleep. goodnight jihee-ah."

"mhm, goodnight then miyeon. sleep well."

i turned off the lantern hanging off to the side of our tent before snuggling into a comfortable position on the mattress. and then the night came.

in the distance, i hear rustling just outside of our tent. i opened my eyes instantly but laid perfectly still as i looked outside our tent. the rustling grew louder making my heart jump slightly. so i sat up slowly as i looked out. there were no shadows, so i assumed there was nothing there.

gulping slightly, i looked over at jihee who slept sound asleep.

"of course, you would sleep through everything," i muttered softly looking at her.


my heart froze as i snapped my head to the direction of the sudden sound made. i stayed quiet not making any movement or sound before i heard the noise again.

"psst. miyeon," a soft whisper belowed.

wait a minute-

slowly and quietly, i scooted over to the front of the tent and unzippered the cover to see taehyung standing just outside.

"taehyung? it's 3am right now. why are you awake?"

"i couldn't sleep."

"oh... i see. um, are you hungry or something?" i asked him.

"not really. i just... wanted to see you," he softly whispered. "can we talk?"

i sat there trying to come to my senses before i nodded my head. "yeah, hold on," i told him.

quickly, i slipped on my jandals and crawled out the tent before slightly closing the tent up again and then turned to taehyung.

he had a tired face but still, a small smile was plastered on it.

"i'm sorry to have bothered you, but i really couldn't sleep this time," he said pouting slightly as we walked side to side with each other.

we walked along the shorline of the lake before coming across a bench just nearby.

"it's okay. you want to tell me what's wrong?" i asked him softly.

"it's just... i can't sleep."
"and why's that?"
"promise you won't laugh?"

i raised an eyebrow as i looked at him. "yeah, i promise."

"i can't sleep because i don't have my stuffed lion with me."

i stared at him blankly.

i'm sorry, what?-

"your stuffed lion?" i asked him.

he nodded his head.

"aw taehyung," i said shaking my head and then looked outwards toward the lake. there was still enough light coming from the moon that stayed up in the night sky that reflected onto the water.

"i know it sounds childish, but i had that stuffed lion ever since i was a very young child. so it's precious to me," he said cutely as he crossed his legs while sitting next to me.

i couldn't help but giggle at his cute actions. "you know, the more i hang out with you the more interesting and cute things i learn about you," i said before turning back to look at him.

he turned his head to look at me while smiling. "really?"

i nodded my head.

"mm, i'm glad," he said before turning to look at the lake.

it wasn't until i suddenly felt something warm touch my hand. slightly startled, i looked down to see his hand holding mine preciously. my eyes slowly turned to him from our intertwined hands, but he didn't look at me. his eyes were still focused upon the lake. i could still see the smile on his face.

"i'm glad to have met you miyeon," the words slip from his mouth.

i stared and admired his side profile before he turned his head to look at me. it was at that moment he leaned in, connecting our lips together as neither of us pulled away for those few seconds.

i guess it was like a small getaway.

ugh, this sucks. i'm loosing inspiration. forgive me, i think i might just rush this.

smile | k.taehyungNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ