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"yah, you planned this didn't you?" i asked glaring at him slightly.

he scrunched up his nose and looked at me raising an eyebrow. "planned what? i didn't plan anything at all."

"oh, sure."

we were left in silence as i looked away from him and looked towards the front. about 2 or 3 minutes later, he tapped my shoulder. i turned my head to look at him again.

"what?" i asked softly.

"want to listen to some music with me?" he asked handing an earphone to me.

i looked at him suspiciously but slowly accepted the earphone since i had nothing to do anyways for the next 2 hours. placing the earbud in my ear, i leaned back onto my chair when suddenly some trot music comes on.

what in the-

i looked at taehyung with a funny look on my face when he looked back at me.

"what? do you not like it?" he asked.

"no, it's not that. it's just i would have never thought you would-" "listen to these kind of songs?"

i nodded my head.

"mm, i love trot music. it gives me a fresh feeling," he said as he closed his eyes and smiled.

and he was right. after listening to his trot music after a while, i slowly got used to it. it was very refreshing and surprising to know that he would listen to this type of music. but who was i to judge?

about 40 minutes later into the drive, taehyung had fallen asleep due to the soft music we were listening to. i looked at him. he was so angelic, the way he slept. in honesty, i have no idea how people could sleep in situations like this. the seats weren't all that comfortable to me. but here he was, sleeping like a baby.

it was suddenly to the point when his head shifted all the way to my shoulder, leaving him with his head laying peacefully on my shoulder. me, on the other hand, my heart began to beat rapidly.

why is my heart like this all of a sudden? stop miyeon. get a hold of yourself!

i pursed my lips and tried to move only to hear a belowed voice from him.

"don't move. let me sleep on your shoulder," he said with a low, deep voice.

i gulped slightly and sat there frozen in my chair. he didn't make any comment after that but slept peacefully and contently.

the next 20 minutes later, we came to a break time. ms. yun stood up announcing everyone on the bus could come out to stretch their body and feet for a couple of minutes before they head out to the national park.

most of the students went out to stretch. meanwhile, taehyung was still asleep, his head still on my shoulder. ah, i hope he didn't drool.

"taehyung, wake up," i said shaking him slightly. "wake up."

suddenly, he groaned as he picked up his head and stretched out his arms, letting out a yawn.

"what? are we here already?" he asked his eyes still closed.

"no, we just came to a break stop. ms. yun is letting us go out to stretch," i said softly.

i watched as he scratched his head tiredly and tried opening up his eyes.

"do you want to go out and stretch?" i asked him.

in response, he shook his head like a cute little kid and smacked his lips a couple of times. just then, i heard jihee's voice come up from behind me.

"yah!" she smirked looking at me.

"i'm so sorry we didn't sit together," i quickly apologized.

"nah, it's fine. it's actually not that bad sitting next to jimin," jihee said smiling at me.

i eyed her careful to see a glistening look in her eyes. jihee only looked at me smirking slightly. her eyes went to taehyung and then quickly at me. i got the memo, but shook my head violently.

she put her hands up in defeat. "i'm going to go stretch outside for a bit. want to come with me?" jihee asked.

yes, please!

"yeah, sure," i told her. i looked over to the tired taehyung who laid his head against the window this time.

"taehyung, i'm just going to go out with jihee for a bit. i'll be back," i softly told him.


quickly, i got up to my feet as jihee and i got out the bus to stretch our feet like we said we would. on the way, we informed ms. yun that we would go to the corner store to quickly buy some drinks and snacks.

granting us permission, we entered the store and looked around for anything we could find. we bought some water bottles and some cracker and jelly snacks for us to share. once we paid for our items, we quickly ran back to the bus just in time for us to take off.

"i'll see you later when we get off," i told jihee. she gave a nod of her head.

"here. water and snacks for you and taehyung," she told me.


she left to the back of the bus along with jimin and the rest of the guys while i sat back down in the seat next to taehyung.

he was still sleeping soundly on the glass window. i couldn't help but smile a bit at this sight. eventually, all things would have to come to an end.

i shook taehyung's shoulder lightly. he didn't move. so i shook his shoulder again.

"taehyung, jihee and i bought some water and some snacks," i spoke.

again, he woke up with sleepy eyes but slowly opened them when he looked at me.


"here," i said handing him a bag of shrimp flavored chips.

"feed me," he softly said as he leaned back his head onto the neck rest of the chair.

is he serious right now?

"seriously?" i asked looking at him. he nodded his head up and down just once.

i sat there just looking at him for a good 10 seconds before i opened up the bag and took a chip.

"ah." he opened his mouth cutely before i put the chip between his lips. he munched on the chip cutely and chewed silently to himself.

and just like that, i fed him until he no longer could eat.

yay, more for me!

ack, so cRINGY! >~>

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