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i tried keeping up with taehyung's pace as we walked passed upcoming tents. luckily, they managed to bring up volunteers who gladly wanted to prepare our classes lunch during our camping trip.

but food wasn't on my mind for that funny reason. i thought about how tight he was holding my hand as we walked together. that's when a tint of pink filled my cheeks, so i kept my head faced down a bit.

finally, we came to a stop where they had a line up prepared for those who wanted food. on the first day's lunch, we were having chili cheese hotdog.

taehyung turned around facing me as he handed me a plate.

"oh, thank you," i softly said. he smiled and gave a nod as he got himself a plate as well.

"lets hope it's not as bad as the food they serve at school," he said. i couldn't help but laugh at what he said because i honestly agreed with him.

we were finally served food. a hotdog in a bun with chili and cheese served on top of it. and all free of charge.

"mm, want to sit together?" he asked me.

"well, since jihee isn't here at the moment, i guess we could sit together."

he nodded and i followed all the way to an empty bench table. i sat down at one side as he sat down opposite from me.

"eat well," i said cheerfully looking at him.

his rectangular smile showed and i couldn't help but smile. his smile is so cute!

i quickly broke the eye contact and went ahead and took the first bite. absolutely delicious!

"this is so much better than school's lunch," i said after i finished chewing and swallowed my food.


"yah! kim taehyung!!" a voice called out from nowhere.

i'll admit, it kind of scared me as i turned to look to who's voice it belonged to. it was no other than his friend, park jimin, along with the others. and trailing from behind with jihee.

she ran over to me and pouted.

"and you eat without me?" she asked pouting like a child.

"i-i'm sorry! it was taehyung's fault. he pulled me along before i could tell you," i said accusing him.

he gasped at me as i couldn't help contain my smile. "miyeon! i thought we were best friends."

"me and miyeon are best friends. you and miyeon are just friends," jihee said.

"well, they could be more than that," namjoon muttered.

"what?" jihee and i asked at the same time.

"nothing!" taehyung quickly said.

"yah, enough talking. lets go eat," yoongi said as he walked ahead and got in line. i watched as jeongguk followed and then the others along with jihee.

"yoongi seems scary," i softly said after i ate.

"mm, he's not all that scary if you get to know him. he has a soft heart and he's really caring," taehyung softly said.

"i hope i can get to see that one day," i softly said. just then, taehyung gave a small smile.

"i'm sure you will."

jihee and i were all gathered at the main center point of the camp where three of the adult supervisors stood at the front. ms. yun held a megaphone at her mouth and spoke into it.

the static-y voice filled the air as many of the students began to quiet down as we turned our attention to the teachers.

"all of you, please settle down!" she said into the megaphone loud enough for everyone to hear. "as you students have been instructed, each science class have been given instructions on how you must have your science journal filled out. we expect that it will be well presented and we hope that you will find very unique things. as you can all see, this national park is filled with amazing and wonderful creations. mrs. rim, mr. goo, and i expect exceptable results from you," ms. yun announced.

i watched attentively towards the front trying to ignore the fact that i could sense taehyung's eyes watching me every now and then. you think you slick boy.

"you may only have up to three people if you wish to present this science project as a group. if you guys would like extra credit, you may list up to five more unique animal species, plants, or trees. either is up to your choice. remember, in order to count for credit, you must have pictures of proof for whatever you find," mrs. rim was the one to announce this.

"good luck to you all, and please watch out for each other," mr. goo said lastly.

mr. goo, then, passed the megaphone to ms. yun.

"starting tomorrow, the science project will begin. there are many hiking trials you can take in this park. please be aware of your surroundings and most importantly, have fun," she smiled.

"that is all," mr. goo shouted loud enough.

jihee quickly turned to me. "we're doing the project together, right?" she asked.

"i mean, yeah. we are, aren't we?" i asked confused.

"actually, jihee and i are going to be partnering up with each other. i called dibs," jimin suddenly appeared out of nowhere. i glared at the boy slightly.

"and who am i suppose to partner up with?" i asked him crossing my arms.

"how about me?"

i froze slightly in my spot before turning my head to see taehyung standing before us, with his hands in his pockets.

"hey, wait! i already called m–"

"yeah, you two partner up and then jihee and i will partner up with each other. great! everyone's happy," jimin said as he clamped his hand over jihee's mouth.

"but–" i tried to say.

i turn my head for a quick second, but when i turn to look back at taehyung, i found him just a couple of inches in front of me. he was tall enough compared to me, so i slightly had to look up.

"what do you say?" he asked smiling slightly.

i pursed my lips together as i shyly looked at him and into his soft, chocolate brown eyes.

what do i say?

smile | k.taehyungWhere stories live. Discover now